Freedom of speech means that any individual can share their ideas publically without fear of censorship. When public-access television was created in the early 1970’s, the airways were flooded with new, locally produced programming that was by the people, for the people. Traditionally, public-access television can be broken down into three categories, public, education, and government, or better known as PEG. While both education and government are important, the public sector of the PEG cable television system gave independent producers an outlet to share their thoughts and ideas without the fear of being censored. The 508 Film Fest aims to follow a similar model and provide a new outlet for artists to create unique, valuable, and locally-relevant programming that can easily be accessed by the community.
The 508 Film Fest will be held on October 25, 2019 at the Ashland VFW at 311 Pleasant St, Ashland, MA. A total of 12 films will be chosen from the 4 categories and they will be screened at the event. We invite your friends and family to attend for a night of fun entertainment and great food!
The 508 Film Fest is hosted by WACA TV. WACA TV is Ashland, MA’s independent, PEG cable television network. Their mission is to help residents and local organizations realize their potential through the medium of cable television. WACA-TV encourages, and facilitates, the production of quality programming created by the community for the community. We are dedicated to providing the best quality programming for our residents while strengthening expression, communication, understanding, and appreciation of diversity in a community.
Out of the official selection, there will be a $250 first place prize for each of the four categories.
The 4 categories are:
Narrative Short Film
Documentary Short Film
Narrative Medium Lenght
Documentary Medium Lenght
A “Community Favorite” award will also be voted on by the audience during the night of the festival and awarded to the winner. That prize for that award is $100.