Announcement: Summer 2024 Award Winning films streaming now on VisualcontainerTV! If you didn't watch the official selection of Summer 2024 screening, here is your chance to at least see the films that won awards!
Pebbles Underground film and video art is an online platform focused on showcasing experimental, avant-garde, underground, and no-to-low budget moving image projects by artist-humans from all over the world. If you're making absurd, uncanny, witty, humorous, queer, political, slow film, performance, dance films, or something no one has the name for yet – we're here for you!
The selection process is continuous, we don't want for the last day to watch all the submissions, we watch them as they come in.
-Experimental, avant-garde, underground, surrealist films, animation, cgi, video art, and mixed techniques (any topic)
-Experimental documentaries, including mockumentaries (any topic)
-Web-based experimental and/or interactive projects; e.g. interactive films/videos, games (any topic)
-Screendance, experimental dance, video performance (any topic)
-Experimental works 30 minutes and over, any of the above mentioned category (any topic)
In 2025 we'll be hosting Summer and Winter Screenings, each encompassing multiple curated programs.
-Summer Screenings will be streaming from June 14 to 22
-Winter Screenings will be streaming December 14 - 22.
If you send work before the Summer Screenings' final deadline you will be notified about the selection result on May 15th, 2025 the latest.
If you send work before the Winter Screenings' final deadline you will be notified about the selection result on December 6th, 2025 the latest.
Selected - your film is selected and will be included in the online screening (after receiving your permission)
Semi-Finalist - your film was not selected to be included in the online screening, but it was competing to be in the final selection.
Not selected - this makes us just as sad as you, but...
The artists selected for the programs keep ALL the rights, and we ask for permission again to include the film in an online screening.
Attention! We will never include your work in the screening without your permission. If your work is selected, you will receive a lengthy email containing details regarding the program, and asking for your permission to screen the work.
In addition to the regular open theme programs described above, we would like to extend a call to curators working with video artists and experimental filmmakers and wishing to suggest online programs on environmental issues, or issues of indigenous and minority rights and armed conflicts oppressing minority populations (anywhere in the world, not just Americas). This category is password protected, write us an email if you're reading this, and have something in mind. In the email, please include: description of the program and its focus, titles and links to the films in the program. In addition, please include your curatorial statement.
We are using a video hosting service with DRM encryption, to prevent illegal download of your art films during our online screenings. We are not using youtube, or vimeo.
All online programs will be FREE TO WATCH, so get ready for a delicious explosion of art!
If you are a filmmaker from Palestine, Georgia, Iran, Armenia, Syria, Lebanon, Belarus, North Korea, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, South Sudan, Ukraine, Ethiopia, please write us for a submission discount or a fee waiver code. In your email, please include the link to the work you are planning to submit.
For questions:
Pebbles Underground is an independent project not funded by any government or corporation, and we intend to keep it that way. Main source of funding is personal donations from humans organizing the project, who are artists themselves, and the main drive of the project is formed by the energy and involvement of the organizers, and the public.
All selected works are considered part of the Official Selection, and will be included in the Summer and Winter Screenings of 2025 edition. If selected, your films will automatically enter the competition for Jury Award and Audience Award, to be granted for each program in the course of a screening.