Ufa Youth Short Film Festival is an international film forum included by the Russian Ministry of Culture into the register of official international film festivals. In the light of COVID-19 pandemic, the festival management made a decision to hold the Festival online.

The Festival program includes competitive screening of short films created by young people aged 14-25, as well as film production masterclasses, meetings with filmmakers and public talks. The festival aims to develop creative abilities in the field of cinema, as well as to encourage young people to lead an active creative life, develop skills and gain experience in film production.

Winners of the competitive program are awarded with valuable prizes and certificates. Laureates are awarded souvenirs and certificates of participation.


Best short film
Best directing
Best male actor (up to 17 years old)
Best male actor (more than 18 years old)
Best female actor (up to 17 years old)
Best female actor (more than 18 years old)
Best script
Best cinematography
Best editing
Best film score
Best sound
Best documentary
Best animation
Best music video
Best Russian film

Competition of 18-25 years old directors:

Best film: 50 000 rubles
2nd place: 30 000 rubles,
3d place: 20 000 rubles.

Competition of 14-17 years old directors:

Best film: 30 000 rubles
2nd place: 20 000 rubles,
3d place: 10 000 rubles.

Only young people from 14 to 25 years old can take part in the festival.

Participation in the festival is free.

No premiere requirement

Overall Rating
  • Plus Size Production

    Thank you for having our short film "Doc" part of the festival. More power!

    October 2020
  • Lucia Bernal

    Excellent film festival, we are so happy to be part of them with a short film! Thank You!!

    August 2020
  • Very lovely, cozy, family atmosphere. Greetings from Yerevan <3

    July 2020
  • François Verreyt

    Well... I had no feedback. I don't even know if my short-film was shown.

    July 2020
  • Thank you for having "Materia Celeste" by Andrea Gatopoulos in your online edition! Great time!

    July 2020