Launched in 1992, the FEMI, regional and international Film festival of Guadeloupe, is the only french-speaking film festival in the Caribbean.
The 23rd edition of FEMI Festival, Regional & International Festival of Guadeloupean Cinema, will take place from Friday January 27th to Saturday February 4th, 2017.
The Femi 2017 is organized by the ICM association, « World Images & Cultures », with the help of the Overseas Deparment, Culture & Communication Deparment, DAC Guadeloupe, National Education Department, and supervised by the Regional Board of Guadeloupe.
Through the years the festival had the privilege to receive important guests such as: , Melvin Van Peebles, Carole Laure, Firmine Richard, Euzhan Palcy, France Zobda, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Danny Glover , Angela Bassett, Jacky Ido, Sonia Rolland, as well as many other professionals from the industry…
The selection of long movies for :
• The Grand Jury Prize : best long movie, along with a trophy & financial support
• The Jury Special Prize : along with a trophy & financial support
• The « French speaking film » Prize : along with a trophy & financial support
• The TV5Monde Prize : with a video recorder & presents
• Best music score : along with a trophy
The selection of documentaries for :
• Best documentary French West Indies & French Guiana : along with a trophy & financial support
• Best Carribean documentary : along with financial support
The selection of short fiction films for :
• Best short film prize
• Overseas short film prize
• High school students prize
• Inside FEMI prize
• Best animated short film prize
Registration for the competition is free. It is open to long & short films, as well as documentaries.
The selection for the long movies is based on the production from French overseas department, Caribbean countries and French speaking African countries. They have to be at least 60 minutes long, or more.
Seven long movies will be selected to enter the competition.
The selection for the documentaries is based on the production by French, English and Spanish speaking Carribean countries _ including French Guiana. They must be aspiring to true cinematographic work. There is no constraint as regard the themes or the length of the documentaries. Special reports, institutional films & magazines will not be taken into consideration by the board of selectors.
Ten documentaries will be selected to enter the competition.
The selection for short fiction films & animated short films is based on productions of people from French overseas department, and open to African countries. They must be under 60 minutes long. Ten short films will be selected, as well as five animated short films to enter the competition.
A registration form will have to be filled in on the website
The registration form and the signed agreement letter will be held as commitment of participation ; they will be sent by mail order to the FEMI bureau, along with :
• Two DVD copies of the film, the French synopsis and a biography of its director.
• Photos of the film & two photos of the director (on Cdrom or via email, jpeg, 300 dpi)
• Foreign film (not French speaking) should be subtitled if possible
Films must be submitted online via an internet link, or on the platform
All the movies submitted to this 23rd edition must have been produced after December 31st 2014 .
They must be French speaking, or subtitled in French.
The closing date for registration and files upload is October 31st 2016.
The registration will only be valid after the upload of the video file of the film ; the screen/projection format will have to be DCP or BLURAY
Article 3 : FILMS ELIGIBILITY / admissibility
Are allowed to participate in the competition films by directors from the French West Indies (Guadeloupe, Martinique, St Maarteen, St Barth, French Guiana), from the larger Caribbean (Antigua-&-Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, , Curaçao, Bonaire, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haïti, Jamaïca, St Kitts& Nevis, Saint-Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, Aruba, Saba, St Eustache, St Maarten, Turkish et Caïques islands) or films about these regions.
For the long films, continental countries open to the Caribbean Sea (Mexique, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa-Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana & Suriname) and French speaking African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Chad, Togo) are also allowed to compete.
Article 4 : JURYS & PRICES
Three official jurys of 4 or 5 members each, and a jury composed of high school students will select the films. They have authority. No member of the jurys must be related to the making or the merchandising of any film entering the competition.
The films will be competing for :
The selection of long movies for :
• The Grand Jury Prize : best long movie, along with a trophy & financial support
• The Jury Special Prize : along with a trophy & financial support
• The « French speaking film » Prize : along with a trophy & financial support
• The TV5Monde Prize : with a video recorder & presents
• Best music score : along with a trophy
The selection of documentaries for :
• Best documentary French West Indies & French Guiana : along with a trophy & financial support
• Best Carribean documentary : along with financial support
The selection of short fiction films for :
• Best short film prize
• Overseas short film prize
• High school students prize
• Inside FEMI prize
• Best animated short film prize
Additional prizes might be given according to circumstances. All the rewarded movies will be projected in cinemas the day and week following the prize giving ceremony.
The projection format will have to be DCP or BLURAY. Films that aren’t French speaking should be subtitled in French, or in English by default, available on file. The producers of non French speaking films with no French subtitles are required to provide a typed copy of the dialogues, commentaries and every document that can help to understand the film, in French or in English.
Article 6 : SELECTION
The official list of the selected films for the FEMI 2016, will be known from Wednesday, November 30th 2016. The conclusions of the selecting committee will be sent by email. Every film duly registrered & selected for the competition will not allowed to withdraw from the selection. The selecting committee will give all the necessary information through its website from early December 2016, and will verify the Admissible application forms as to their conformity with the approved selection criteria and the festival objectives. It will be able to decide to program some films outside the official competition.
Copies of the selected movies (long, short & documentatries) DCP or BLURAY must be available for the festival on December 20th, 2016, last due date. All delivery charges & customs duties will be paid by the sender. Packages should be exempted from customs duties (write « non business value, cultural use »), otherwise they could be turned away by the bureau of the Festival. Should your film be selected, you will provide for the Festival, before Tuesday, December 20th, 2016 :
1/ By post order, an excellent copy of the film for broadcasting purposes :
• Either a hard drive with the DCP file (without its KDM key) by registered mail or a definite Blue Ray copy (verified) of the film.
• A save copy for the DCP films (video file HD)
• An extract from the film for the TV on DVD
2 / By post order or by email to the following items :
• The application form clearly completed ; it will be the basis to produce the Festival review
• 2 photos which represent the movie (300 dpi minimum) ; the Festival and its press organs will be allowed to use them for free, especially for the posters, postcards, press files and all supports of communication exclusively within the Festival activities. Copyright should be indicated on the photo file, before the symbol © (filmphotoXXX©nameofphotographer.jpg)
• A complete synopsis, in French and/ or English
• A shorter synopsis of 200 words max.
• A photo of the director ; Copyright should be indicated on the photo file, before the symbol © (directorphotoXXX©nameofphotographer.jpg)
• A short biography of the director
• For all non french-speaking films with no French subtitles, a typed translation of the dialogues, commentaries and every document that can help to understand the film, in French or in English.
• The competitors must indicate on the cover of the film : the title, the length, the director, the name of the production and the sender address.
The Festival has subscribed to an insurance which will cover the copies of the movies from their reception untill their restitution, as well as for the transport in charge of the Festival. In the event of theft, loss or damage during this period, the Festival responsibility cannot be over the replacement value of the copy indicated by the producer on the technical leaflet.
The sending of the films is carried out at the charge, risks and dangers of the candidates who shall waive any recourse or legal action against the Festival organisers. Their reception is guaranteed untill December 20th, 2016 last due date, the postal stamp being the guarantee ; all documents should be addressed to Festival FEMI c/o Ciné-Théâtre du Lamentin Cité Jean Jaurès 97129 – Lamentin, Guadeloupe.
The festival takes over the return fees for the supports of the selected films by registered post
Data and photos given during registration will be used in various bilingual publications (catalogues, internet site, video indexing of the FEMI& the MIFTC) and will be likely to be translated, corrected or modified before publication. Providing data during registration means giving ICM the autorisation to freely use it within the boundaries of the Festival. The documents will exclusively belong to the FEMI. The selected copy of the film will be kept for the resources centre of the Festival, and one will be able to consult them freely on site (ICM bureau), without any rights for broadcasting or exploitation.
All the films submitted for selection, whether or not they are selected for official competition, will
be listed in the MIFTC Catalogue as well as in the CARIBBEAN FILM MART catalogue (from Trinidad). To ensure that the film is to be seen on both lists, one should let the option « inscription Marchés » ticked.
Article 11 : GUEST POLICY
Every director, or his/her representative, being selected for the official competition and living outside Guadeloupe, is invited to stay three days in Guadeloupe, the Festival taking charge of the following expenses : a three days stay, with two nights in a hotel, including breakfast, four tickets to be used in restaurants, and internal transports. Travel expenses to come to Guadeloupe (plane tickets) aren’t taken in charge by the Festival. All guests are invited to the various parties organised during the Festival.
All the rights of the films are given to the association ICM, without any financial compensation _ right to reproduce photos and TV extracts from the movies _ to be broadcasted during the event on the Festival site, in the press and on TV. These extracts cannot exceed 10% of the total length of the film, and will at any rate be limited to 3 minutes ; they will be only used within the framework of news reports about the Festival, TV shows or advertisement about the Festival, for a complete year.
The officially selected films, and the prized ones, could also be broadcasted after the end of the Festival to promote them and the Festival in France and elsewhere.
All the rights of prized films are freely given to the association ICM, without any financial compensation, in order to be presented to the Auditorium of the City of Paris in October 2017, during the 4th edition of « FEMI PARIS », an event organised for people originated from the overseas departments, for the professionals in the cinema and national press. This is an entirely free event.
The selected movies, especially the prized ones, could be broadcasted in France and in the Caribbean, within the terms of contracts between the FEMI and other festivals. Should this be the case, a specific authorization will be asked to the owners of the rights of the films. Participating to the Festival implies giving the rights to ICM to broadcast for free the films for a complete year after it was first broadcasted during the Festival ; this shall be renewed tacitly from year to year, except by denunciation via registered mail.
ICM is permitted to ask to buy a copy of any film presented to the Festival, especially the prized ones ; the association is commited to limit their use within its personnal, cultural, non-business activities.
The ICM bureau or its representative will take care of all the specific situations unforeseen in this contract and, should it be necessary, to provide the derogations to the general regulations after a written motivated request.
By completing the registration on the internet site of the FEMI, the competitors accept the present articles & regulations without any reservation. The articles can be modified. The bureau of the association or its representative reserves the right to cancel the registration or to take any appropriate measure in the event of non compliance with these regulations or any behaviour inconsistent with the good progress of the Festival. In case of dispute, French Law and its administrative tribunals will be the only competent authorities.
For all mail orders, the expedition address is :
Festival FEMI - c/o Ciné Théâtre du Lamentin
Cité Jean Jaurès - 97129 Le Lamentin (Guadeloupe)
For any phone contact :
Valérie Vilovar : ( 00 + 33 ) ( 0 ) 590 99 66 74
For any further information, please contact our team at
I have read and agreed to the general regulations of the FEMI
Name & signature