Use the power of comedy to raise awareness about your favorite wild animal!

Help us celebrate our 10th anniversary of the Eco-Comedy Video Competition!
Sponsored by the Center for Environmental Filmmaking and The Nature Conservancy, the 2021 Eco-Comedy Video Competition theme will be your favorite WILD animal. According to the IUCN Red list about 30% of plant and animal species are at risk of extinction, so it more important than ever to advocate for wild species. We challenge you to produce a comedic video that is less than three minutes long, about your personal favorite wild animal! Raise awareness about your favorite species that you think needs more attention and glory. You could make a TikTok style dance video about bats or a mini rock opera about Turtles, it just needs to be funny! The contest is open to anyone worldwide who has a flair for producing videos. This year we have five categories: K-8, High School, College/University, Nonstudent and DC/Maryland/Virginia K-8. The winner in each category will receive a cash prize, plus recognition at the DC Environmental Film Festival, and on the websites of the Center for Environmental Filmmaking and The Nature Conservancy.

Link to the live event at 7:00pm EST 3/19/21

*Cash Prize amount pending

-Be humorous.
-Communicate a clear (and funny!) message about an animal of your choice!
-It can be a specific species or a general type of animal, so you could make a film about timber wolves or about wolves in general.
-Reach a broad audience.
- Be an original production.
-Contain a title at the beginning; please include the total running time.
-Contain credits of the production crew members at the end.
-Be less than three minutes (including titles and credits).
-Be submitted by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Zone on February 21, 2021.