Kalajoki Film Fest sets in the coastal town Kalajoki, Finland. The Festival was born in 2019, being the first edition only dedicated to Portuguese movies (short and featured). We aim to continue throughout the years being prepared to vary nationalities. If you are not Portuguese pay attention to the next edition!
Kalajoki means Fish-River; the reason of the logo of the Festival is not random, is not for being related with movies about Fish, but because of the relation with town's name. :)


First Edition of Kalajoki Film Fest is only open to Portuguese Movies!

Who can participate?
Portuguese productions mainly made by Portuguese people or foreign productions where a Portuguese person is present in roles such as: Director, Producer, Actor/Actress; other options may be accepted.
We accept student films.

Which movies can compete?
We accept short and feature films including different genres: fiction, experimental, documentary and animation. No time restriction.
Movies must be subtitled in English.
Filmmakers can send up to 2 movies, but need to send different application form for each movie. It is possible to submit movies that have already been shown at another festivals.
We give preference to the ones who may attend in person to the Festival in Kalajoki. We may help in some expenses.

Film Selection and Winner
Being selected to a film festival is an important award! However, if you were selected and sent more than one movie, as well if you may attend in person the festival, the production of the festival will send you an invitation to come and your travel as well your stay will be guaranty; in return you need to talk about you and your works to the public.

There will be a public voting for every session being the prize the public award.

Submissions must be the intellectual property of the submitter, and/or their team.
Applicant can submit more than one film to the festival. If you send two different movies send different application as well different email.

Submissions are accepted by FilmFreeway or by the Application Form link that should be sent directly to the email kalajokifilmfest@gmail.com together with other information:
- 3 still pictures of the movie
- Poster (optional)
- 1 photo of the director
- Email subject must be: F_nameofthefilm_directorsname or S_nameofthefilm_directorsname accordingly if is Feature (F) or S(short)

Accepting the terms and conditions, the author \ producer accepts that the movie will be shown during the Kalajoki Film Fest and in other contexts (promotional and educational contexts).
The author \ producer authorizes the publication of their personal data associated with the movie and, accordingly, the release of this information to the press for promotional purposes.
The submission to the call for entries implies the complete acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.