Terms and Conditions of
MoEF&CC’s Short Film Competition & Festival on Pollution 2019
MoEF&CC in collaboration with CMS VATAVARAN, invites short films for its ‘Short Film Competition & Festival 2019’. The theme of this competition is “Pollution”. This competition aims to recognize the creative efforts towards promotion and protection of environment from various kinds of pollution with the special emphasis on ‘’Air Pollution.”
By participating in the competition, participants agree to be bound by, and are deemed to have read and understood these Terms and Conditions.
1. The Competition is only for Indian Citizens in three different categories:
• School Student
• College Students & amateur filmmakers (Amateur Filmmaker –one who does films as a hobby, for creative urge but his/her major source of revenue should be from some other means.)
• Professional filmmakers and film studios
2. There is no bar on the number of films sent by an individual for competing in the ‘’SFCF 2019.’’
3. The applicant should attach his/her identity, such as, Aadhar Card, Voter Identity Card, PAN Card, Driving License or any other valid proof of identity issued by a Government authority.
4. Entry Fee: There is no entry fee. It’s free for all.
5. Submission of the Short Film will start from June 5, 2019 to September 30, 2019.
6. All entries for the Competition must be submitted to the www.moefcc.cmsvatavaran.org. Entries submitted through any other medium/mode will not be considered for evaluation.
7. Entries open only for Short Film with duration of maximum 3 minutes (180 seconds).
8. The Short Film can be made in in any Indian language with sub-titles in English or in English.
9. Films must have been completed on or after January 1, 2017 and must carry a release date or copyright date or airdate during the calendar year 2017, 2018 or 2019.
10. The content of the Short Film should be suitable for Universal viewing.
11. Short films may be shot in any technical format or camera set-up or in animation.
12. Theme of the film: Pollution, with special emphasis on Air Pollution.
13. Each entry should accompany brief theme and synopsis of the film in writing. (The film could be a documentary, dramatization of real stories or a work of fiction, in any technical format, including animation).
14. Participant is to make sure that his/her profile is accurate and updated since MoEF&CC & CMS VATAVARAN Directorate will be using this for further communication. This includes details such as name, photo, Students ID and phone number. Entries with incomplete profiles will not be considered.
15. The participant must be the same person who has conceptualized and shot the Short Film and plagiarism will not be accepted. Strict penal action will be taken against any violation such as disqualification from the competition.
16. All selected entries for ‘’Short Film Competition on Pollution, 2019’’ will be the intellectual property of the MoEF&CC and CMS VATAVARAN.
17. The selected and prize-winning Short Films are meant to be used by the MoEF&CC and CMS VATAVARAN for promotional and display purposes and also for any other use as may be deemed appropriate for the initiative and not for any commercial purpose.
18. Please note that the Short Film must be original and should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957.
19. The Short Film must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content since the short film is intended for viewing by all age groups.
20. Anyone found infringing on others copyright will be disqualified from the Competition. MoEF&CC or CMS VATAVARAN does not bear any responsibility for copyright violations or infringements of intellectual property carried out by the participants.
21. MoEF&CC reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the Competition and/or the Terms & Conditions/ Evaluation Criteria. However, any changes to the Terms & Conditions/ Evaluation Criteria, or cancellation of the Competition, will be updated/ posted on contest page on the www.moefcc.cmsvatavaran.org platform. Participants are responsible to keep themselves informed as to any changes in the Terms & Conditions/Evaluation criteria stated for this Competition.
22. The Participant(s) represent(s) and warrant(s) that he/she will comply with all applicable Indian laws.
23. By registering for participation in the Competition, the Participant(s) warrant that:
• They have complied with these terms and conditions;
• Their name is original;
• Their entry does not infringe any intellectual Property Rights of any third party;
24. MoEF&CC reserves the right to reject any entry without giving any reason.
25. MoEF&CC or CMS VATAVARAN accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss or injury of any kind suffered by any participants in entering the Competition, including as a result of any participant winning or not winning any prize.
26. MoEF&CC or CMS VATAVARAN will not be held responsible if the participants are not able to upload their entries on www.moefcc.cmsvatavaran.org portal before the last date & time of submission for any reason whatsoever.
27. Entries must be made by the closing date and in the manner set out in the Competition’s Terms and Conditions. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
28. The selected Top 10 entries in the three categories will be awarded with Cash Prizes, Citation and a Trophy during the 10th CMSVATAVARAN film festival and forum on environment and wildlife, on November 27-30, 2019 in New Delhi.
a) School Student:
• 1st Prize: A trophy, a citation and Rs. 25 thousand in cash (1)
• Consolation prizes: A citation and Rs. 10 thousand in cash -(2)
b) College Students & amateur filmmakers:
• 1st Prize: A trophy, a citation and Rs. 50 thousand in cash -(1)
• Consolation prizes: A citation and Rs. 20 thousand in cash -(2)
c) Professional filmmakers and film studios:
• 1st Prize: A trophy, a citation and Rs. 2 lakh
• 2nd Prize: A trophy, a citation and Rs. 1 lakh
• Consolation Prize: A citation and Rs. 25 thousand in cash (2)
29. The last date for submission of entry is September 30, 2019.
30. The selected entries will be uploaded on www.moefcc.cmsvatavaran.org . Date will be informed separately.
31. The Experts on Environment, PR and Film Making would form the Panel of Jury and evaluate the Competitors.
32. The results of the Competition will be declared on www.moefcc.cmsvatavaran.org .
33. The courts of Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with and decide any dispute whatsoever arising out of this competition.
The Judging for ‘’Short Film Competition on Pollution (SFCP) 2019’’ is a two tier process. It consists of Peer & Nomination Jury and Award Jury.
A panel of Peer & Nomination Jury reviews and decides on the ‘’SFCP 2019’’ Nominees. The Award Jury selects the award winners from amongst the Nominated films. The Jury looks for content, treatment, presentation, authenticity, accuracy, technical excellence, educational value and motivational elements. Both, the Nomination Jury and the Award Jury consists of a panel of experts and professionals from diverse backgrounds such as environment, film production, academicians, media, Industry representatives, cinema and advertising world etc. of national and international repute.
Films must have been completed on or after January 1, 2017 and must carry a release date or copyright date or airdate during the calendar year 2017, 2018 or 2019.
Entries are invited in English and all Indian languages. Non-English productions must include an English voiceover or subtitles.
All films are required to be submitted in HD Format in Pen Drive/ Hard Disk/ Vimeo Link or any other High resolution downloadable link.
Please include High Resolution Photographs (JPEG, TIFF or EPS formats). The following will be required for the press kit and Festival Directory;
• Production stills (3);
• Director’s photograph (2);
• Poster, press clippings, brochures pamphlets etc (optional);
All the above to be sent by either through downloadable link or in a Pen Drive along with the duly filled form and other required enclosures.
Courier payment formalities should be completed before materials are dispatched. CoD (Cash on Delivery) will not be accepted.
Names on the Credit roll must match with those in the Entry Form.
Entries can be submitted by the producer, co-producer, commissioner, broadcaster, director or any individual/organization that has the right to submit the entry.
Please include following things with the completed entry form:
a) Highest resolution available film file either through downloadable links in Pen Drive or on DVD (PAL).
b) Digital copies of following either through downloadable links in Pen Drive or on DVD:
• Synopsis of the film.
• Director’s bio data
• Still photographs (digital preferred) from each production for promotion of film.
Send the entry form with all enclosures to:
SFCF 2019 Directorate
Research House,
34B, Saket Community Centre
New Delhi – 110 017, India
Ph: 91-11-2686 4020, 2685 1660
Mob: 98183 67459, 95822 54615
E-mail: shortfilm.moefcc@gov.in