The event "June Film Festival - Sabaudia in Corto" is a festival dedicated to short films, also involving workshops and open sessions on various audiovisual themes (directing, acting, production, post-production, etc.). It has two main purposes: to get the local community involved, particularly young people, and to promote the local area by means of film tourism. The organizers examined the question of what kind of cultural event could take root here, in a way that would fit in harmoniously with the identity of the zone and that would interact with local citizens, so as to get them enthusiastically involved, while bringing prestige to the city. Drawing on their own personal experiences in the field of cinema, the staff of JFF have made a new proposal, in line with the most up-to-date forms of communication and association of young people, as well as their needs, above all that of attaining more visibility via freedom of expression. In short, we want the glamorous world of cinema to return to Sabaudia, but in a contemporary, interactive and participatory way. Glamour is not enough, and for us the key word is INTERACTION with the community. This should not be a self-congratulatory prize mainly dedicated to the organizers and the guests but a sort of journey, like a road movie in which the protagonist will be our audience and young people will be at the wheel and in control. The theme of the short films submitted to the competition will be at the director's discretion, although in the case of 2 out of the 3 sections of the festival they should be shot in the area of Sabaudia or local towns and villages. We are convinced that this is an effective strategy for creating some genuine, concrete and long-lasting benefits for the city and its inhabitants. We believe that the direct involvement of our local young people is the right way to establish ongoing interest and passion for cinema and for all that it represents. We wish to open up new horizons and to create new hopes and ambitions in a location that we consider to be one of the most attractive and picturesque in the region of Lazio.
- “TEEN” (from 13 to 19 years old) : Open to short films filmed in the area of Sabaudia or local towns and villages
- “OVER 20” (adults of 20 years old and over) : Open to short films filmed in the area of Sabaudia or local towns and villages
- “JUNE FILM” Open to short films without any age distinctions or restrictions regarding themes or locations.