All films must be based on, use or revolve around concepts from the Zombie movie genre.
1. A screening committee determines which films shall be exhibited, submissions are not guaranteed to be shown. All decisions of the committee are final. Except for the audience award, separate juries select festival winners.
2. The Award Categories are: Best Drama, Best Comedy, Best Animation, Best Student Film, and an Audience Favorite Award. All selected movies will be shown the evening of Friday November 2nd as part of Lebanon Valley Council on the Arts long running Zombie Art Walk event. An awards ceremony will be held Saturday, November 3rd, 2018. All entrants are welcome to attend and will receive details of the award ceremony and the location of all screenings. Special certificates for the winners in each category
3. Short film total running time must be a minimum of 1 minute and no longer than 10 minutes. Any submissions shorter or longer than the minimum or maximum length will be disqualified.
4. There is no limitation on when or where the short was produced.
5. Include a self addressed and stamped postcard if you wish to receive entry receipt notification. However, we prefer tracking through FilmFreeway.
7. We will not accept films with excessive foul language, or graphically explicit sexual encounters.
8. Do not submit works in progress. Incomplete films will not be considered under any circumstances.
9. Foreign language films must have English subtitles, or contain minimal dialog not necessary for understanding the film.
10. Entries can be submitted digitally through the FilmFreeway system. Entries must be labeled with the title, entry number, and total running time. Student entries should be marked "Student."
12. Student entries must include a copy of the Filmmaker's student ID card. A scan of the ID can be emailed to
13. Entry fees are non-refundable.
14. The number, dates, times, and locations of screenings are at the discretion of the Lebanon Valley Council on the Arts
15. Please select only one category in which to submit your work. An entry's category may be changed at the discretion of the Committee
16. Additional opportunities for screening accepted films may be available outside the scheduled Festival dates.
17. Applicants who do not follow the guidelines will not be accepted.
18. Entrance fee is $35 ($30 Students) for movies submitted before July 31st 2018, $50 ($40 Students) for those submissions from August 1st to September 1st 2018.