The Film Festival of Women MARIALIONZA was conceived as a place to reflect on women, to disseminate and reward the expression of the creative essence and spiritual transcendence of human in various films among the countries that integrate the UNASUR (Union of South American Nations): Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Thus, it seeks to encourage, promote and disseminate the Venezuelan and Latin American cinema from the perspective of the filmmakers in the region, acknowledging both the artistic expressions that implicitly or otherwise, have a dialogue between a woman and all that surrounds.
Cinema for a female filmmaker, creator or narrator, is a cathartic space where women can express our emotions and ideas from the past and the present, making tangible what many people see as an utopia. The film is essentially like us women who are determined to transform everything. The film as we irreverent, large, sensitive, analytical, social, human, is a compendium of all the arts and cultural expressions.
In the Film stories are brewing, cooking memories, injustices are claimed, claims fight, talk about love, peace, want to undo and do again, because for the film, as for us, humanity must rethink again the literary script. The film, like women is accepted with applause when addressing generic issues that only serve to leave things as they are. When enhances the superficialities, then it is a success. But when he decides, like us, stripping the decline of the old institutions that refuse to die, so also is censored, silenced, maligned, castrated and hidden. Many similarities between the film and Woman.
Why Film Festival of Woman MARIALIONZA?
There is an identity between cinematography, Maria Lonza and Woman. Film and women associate ourselves with the magic, the beauty, the act of giving birth. Maria Lonza is the representation of the Pachamama, of mystery, of the wise, than not have time or space; is the representation of women as being producer and player of the subversive, what does not belong to any scientific explanation. It is made irreverence worship matter and eternity.
Women in Film, essentially shares what helps us to see, discover and analyze us from the depth and sensitivity of our thoughts, reflections, efforts and struggles, loaded with values and visions that transcend religious, moral and political aspect that embodies our society, to meet with the naked humanity.
The Film Festival of Woman MARIALIONZA looking to be the scenario where a new discourse, where the soul and the movie script is a window then to the Bolivarian Revolution and Feminist done is built. It is an opportunity to reflect on what we're telling stories and why. Talking about the possibility of going deeper, deeper into our approach as creators. The Festival should be the driver to take us to tell what we have not yet dared.
In the Film Festival of Woman MARIALIONZA, we understand that cinema is a cultural tool of enormous power and in this case seek to reflect the identity, work and struggle of women.
The Film Festival of Woman MARIALIONZA, is the event that aims to become the platform from which all artistic and cultural expressions find a space and a time Abya Yala. The productions of our continent will be made visible to the world with the cultural identity of Latin America, sharing aspirations, complaints and own and universal needs, always with women as the central subject and social issue. It is a festival of women, for women and by women; yet man is not excluded or alien to the festival, machismo itself.
The Film Festival of Women MARIALIONZA aims is to be an intangible heritage in the region. It must become a party, where the creative woman filled with life to the region, not only the Festival Headquarters, which in this case is the Yaracuy State; but the feast spread throughout the country and throughout our marketplace. The Film Festival MARIALIONZA Women should become an artistic, political and economic movement of great importance, not only serve to encourage creative women, to meet, to talk and discuss proposals, knowledge, philosophy, approaches to questions that have no answers light but turn become a strong voice in defense of the rights of women to live free from violence of any form of violence. You must be a space that promotes social participation of women in general.
The Film Festival of Woman MARIALIONZA, will be the space where through a series of activities all women may express their knowledge and artistic skills. Activities ranging from screenings, workshops, discussions, theatrical performances, food fairs, craft fairs, performances, concerts, exhibitions of fine art in museum, murals, circus activities, among others. All this for the festival and for the festival, whose only subject is women. In this way not only we are giving life to the Festival, integrity and awareness of the historical moment, but also a way for creative women have a place to publish their work and to develop their economies.
The first edition of the Film Festival of Woman MARIALIONZA in the framework of the official competition, will share feature and short films in different categories, with national and international juries. Turn, will be held in the following editions prior competition to create the poster Film Festival MARIALIONZA Women. As part of the festival will offer a film contest community for women, a workshop / marathon films made by and for children and adolescents, a photo contest, film forums, lectures, debates and seminars. All the woman as the central theme, with women as protagonists Film Festival unites the creative and Latin American social actresses and each of their expressions and representations beyond cinema.
Each year a specific theme to explore issues related claim or the woman will be taken. The first edition of Women Film Festival MARIALIONZA is dedicated to the Women and the Patriarchal Symbology.
To frame the festival in the fight to eradicate violence against women, the Film Festival of Woman MARIALIONZA, is the reference date held on 25 November each year, an event which will run for five days. In the first edition of the Festival, they shall refer to the International Women's Day, and will be from 8 to 13 March 2015.
Thus Film Festival of Woman MARIALIONZA, seeks to satisfy the popular desire to produce cultural events that illustrate the reality of Latin American women and claim the feminist struggle to restore the balance of humanity, promoting peace, tolerance and understanding that should identify the new humanity; where the woman has the historic duty, now with a society increasingly awake to transform their energy and creative power to the species from all fronts of action with a strong sense of identity and belonging of our roots and our history as a woman .
Venezuela is an example and benchmark country in the world in terms of initiatives that recognize and empower women, giving prominence in all areas and promoting laws to end violence against it. But we know that is not enough, because violence against women is a structural problem, it is a public health problem, then one way to strengthen the judicial support is precisely through the transformation of the psyche of our societies with the political will of the Revolutionary Bolivarian Government of Venezuela, who we agreed that a better world is possible.
The following prizes will be awarded for Feature:
- Best Opera Prima.
- Feminist Audience Award.
feature FICTION
- Best Picture.
- Best Direction.
- Best Production.
- Best Direction Sound.
- Best Director Of Photography.
- Best Art Direction.
- Best Performance.
- Best Editing & Publishing.
- Best Original Score.
- Best Picture.
- Best Direction.
- Creativity Award.
- Best Picture.
- Best Direction.
- Best Film Report.
- Award Collective Reality.
- Award for Feminist Gaze.
- Recognition Award Our Roots.
The following prizes will be awarded to Short Film:
- Best Short Fiction.
- Best Short Documentary.
- Best Animated Short Film.
Sworn Film Festival awarded the Women MARIALIONZA the following awards:
- Recognition MARIALIONZA to spirituality.
- Recognition of Sexual Diversity.
- Recognition of the certain watch.
Sworn are independent of the Directorate General of the Festival and its opinion is final.