IMPORTANT: Out of concern for public safety, our LIVE EVENT has been POSTPONED from June 13 to a date To Be Determined! In the meantime, please enjoy interviews with our WINNING PLAYWRIGHTS on our webpage!
We will NOT move forward with another round of play entries UNTIL we have accomplished performing our FIRST SEASON of Winners!
We are ON HOLD! Thanks for your patience and understanding!
We will keep our play submission entry dates the same in FAIRNESS and GOOD FAITH to all playwrights who have already entered at the respective dates. There will be no additional time to enter plays after April 1 out of respect to those that entered with our initial June 13 event date in mind! You may still enter stage plays until April 1 if you choose to (April 1, 2020 has been our cut off this whole time!)
We want to THANK ALL THOSE THAT HAVE ENTERED in good faith and we will honor you with a great show as planned once this horrible world-wide virus has been properly contained and/or evaluated!
Video interview about Avalonia 7 Theater festival on youtube and vimeo! (free to watch, of course!)
NOTE: This is our THEATER festival with a live theater event scheduled for our fully produced performance of each of the 7 selected scripts on THE SHOW DATE TBD! Looking for the original Avalonia Festival for short films 21 minutes & under? Look up "Avalonia Festival" on FilmFreeway or copy, paste & got to this link:
DEADLINES NOTE: Our deadlines are named after famous playwrights of the past; your play submissions DO NOT have to be inspired or influenced by the playwrights honored with our deadline names!
Avalonia 7 Theater Festival is the new sister theater festival to the popular Avalonia Festival for short films (often named a FilmFreeway Top 100 Best Reviewed Festival).
For those of you NEW to FilmFreeway, you must first create a FilmFreeway account (the account itself is free to create!) and upload your script (s) to your project pages (which is also free to do!) Once you have your FilmFreeway account and script (s) uploaded, you are ready to enter Avalonia 7 Theater Festival (and any other festival on here you want to try your hand at!)
Avalonia 7 Theater Festival will showcase 7 original plays on SHOW DATE TO BE DETERMINED at All Beaches Experimental Theater on Neptune Beach in Jacksonville, Florida. Playwrights of all backgrounds and experiences are welcome to enter their original works for the chance at possible production during the festival.
Winning Playwrights will have their play cast, rehearsed and produced by Avalonia 7 Theater Festival at no further cost or responsibility to the playwright. The playwright retains all rights and ownership to the work that have submitted!
The 7 Winning Playwrights will be given 4 VIP access passes to see their work performed to the festival as well as a certificate of achievements to be mailed to them (if in the United States, if international the awards will be emailed to the playwright) and a prize package of door prizes for winning playwrights. Winning playwrights who are able to attend our festival in person (not required) will be encouraged (but not required) to say a few words to the audience after the show's conclusion and to bask in the accolades of our live event audience!