Ithaca Pan Asian American Film Festival is dedicated to supporting Asian American film, video and media makers both nationwide and throughout the upstate New York area, promoting films created by, starring, and/or about Asian Americans.
Ithaca Pan Asian American Film Festival aims to:
• Develop and support both emerging and experienced Asian American filmmakers and artists, working in a range of genres and styles.
• Engage audience in a diverse and complex spectrum of Asian and Asian American works.
• Present students with the opportunity to learn about Asian American film and gain event-planning skills.
The IPAAFF is a competitive event. All projects officially selected receive the IPAAFF laurel.
The IPAAFF is a showcase for domestic and international feature films, documentaries and shorts. The IPAAFF Committee reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any project submitted. There is no limit to the number of entries.
• Feature film, short film, or video productions in any genre by Asian Americans and Asian International filmmakers, or with subject matter concerning Asian issues from any year, country, state, age, category, and serving any theme.
• No limit on the number of entries per person. Entry fee applies to each project submitted.
• We only consider first time entries to IPAAFF. As a policy, we cannot reconsider films that did not make the cut in prior years of our film festival.
• We prefer that narrative films (fiction) be shot and edited at 24 frames per second (23.98)
• We accept non-fiction films in both 24 (23.98) and 30 (29.97) frames per second.
• We only accept films that meet NTSC standards. We cannot accept PAL formatted films.
The nonrefundable entry fee must be payable in US dollars to Ithaca Pan Asian American Film Festival. Entries must be POSTMARKED by the deadline. Submission costs vary depending on category and discounts. When submitting to the festival you are agreeing that if chosen to screen during the dates of the festival, IPAAFF will not pay any additional screening fees presented by the submitter. The only exception would be if it is agreed upon prior to a certain film's submission.
• Feature Length Film
Feature Length Film submissions must have a total running time of 50 minutes or more, but we prefer that features run no longer than 90 minutes. Films must be directed, produced, or principally acted by Asian Pacific Americans, even if the subject matter is not Asian. Non-Asian Pacific Americans may enter films if the subject matter is Asian Pacific American or Asian Diaspora related.
• Short Film
Short film submissions must have a total running time of 30 minutes or less. Films must be directed, produced, or principally acted by Asian Pacific Americans, even if the subject matter is not Asian. Non-Asian Pacific Americans may enter films if the subject matter is Asian Pacific American or Asian Diaspora related.
• Youth film
Youth film submissions must have a total running time of 20 minutes or less. Films must be directed, produced by Asian Pacific American Middle/High School students, even if the subject matter is not Asian. Non-Asian Pacific Americans may enter films if the subject matter is Asian Pacific American or Asian Diaspora related.
All foreign language entries must have English subtitles. Projects must be submitted for consideration on DVD, BluRay or as an online screener. PAL format will not be accepted. Works in progress cannot be screened in the festival. Screening material, press and any application materials sent to IPAAFF will NOT be returned.
All film submissions must be shipped prepaid and packed in proper containers to arrive at the IPAAFF office postmarked no later than September 15, 2018.
Films selected for the IPAAFF will be notified no later than October 1, 2018. If your film is accepted, we will contact you to request a ProRes422 version of your film plus a press kit. We will send you a copy of our festival laurel to help you market your production.
The IPAAFF is a competitive event.
Please label the DVD with your project title and your name.
* Screener DVD / BluRay copy will be returned ONLY IF a self-addressed and stamped envelope is enclosed at the time of submission.
• DVD or BluRay (2 copies are required)
• Online Screener
Entries chosen for the festival may be exhibited in the formats listed below but the actual format is dependent on the venue and screening capabilities of each particular program. Because of the extensive time needed to convert all films to DCP format for exhibition, we prefer that all accepted films be sent online as digital files.
* We are not responsible for lost or damaged entries.
• Mov. File (Apple ProRes 4:2:2 is preferred.)
• BluRay
• Feature Film
Earlybird: $22 / Standard: $25
• Short
Earlybird: $8 / Standard: $10
• Student
Earlybird: $5 / Standard $8
1. Completed and Signed Submission Entry Form
2. Screener DVD (Mail to address below) OR
Online Screener/Digital Files (Email to with RE: Submission)
3. Entry Fee
4. (Optional) Self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of your screener.
* Student Filmmakers, please attach a copy of School ID - Student Discounts available, please email us for code.
Ithaca Pan Asian American Film Festival
Ithaca College
953 Danby Road
Ithaca NY 14850
The cost of shipping entries and films to the festival must be paid by the entrant.
If selected, the IPAAFF will require an electronic press kit to include production stills, bio and filmography of the director, production notes and full cast and crew credits.
• Exhibition film files and/or BluRay must be sent to the Festival pre-paid.
• Return shipping of the exhibition copy within the United States will be covered by the Festival.
Although every possible care will be taken with tapes and films while in our possession, we cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage. Do not send original prints or tapes. Please keep the IPAAFF notified of any address/phone number changes.
By submitting your entry to the Festival, you represent that you have the authority to do so and that you have reviewed all of the IPAAFF submission rules and information. You agree to hold IPAAFF harmless and without liability for the statements you make, and you assert that there are no assigned rights, agreements, distribution agreements, production deals or any arrangements whatsoever attached to this work that would in any way interfere with the showing or screening of your entry to the public within the terms of IPAAFF. You further acknowledge and agree that if your entry is selected for the Festival then you grant IPAAFF the rights to use footage, stills, titles and information from the film for current and future promotional, archival, and community engagement purposes.
IPAAFF might be a smaller festival, but they they put TLC touch on everything from the laurels to their marketing tools that show their love of film. Although I wasn't able to attend this time around, their unique and original programming was on point and I would love to have my next project included.
May 2017 -
Angelo Santos
Ithaca Pan Asian American Film Festival is a small festival in a beautiful small town in upstate New York. I met other great filmmakers at this festival who have become friends. The organizers were very welcoming and treated the filmmakers like family. This festival will only continue to grow and I encourage filmmakers to start to take notice of it.
January 2017