The Georgia Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (GIACC), is proud to present its one-of-a-kind Atlanta Indian Film Festival (AIFF) for the sixth year from October 17th to 20th, 2024, at the beautiful Tara Theater in Atlanta, GA.
With an Indian diaspora of approximately 150,000 people, and over 500 companies, including many Indian-owned and operated businesses in the Atlanta region, the Atlanta Indian film festival will showcase popular Indian cinema to Atlanta, as well as introduce visiting Directors, Actors and Producers to potential movie production opportunities in Atlanta and the state of Georgia.
Georgia is now a leading destination in the world for filming with its temperate climate, great variety of locations, the world’s busiest airport (Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport), large crew base, and pro-business focus. In Georgia, you’ll find one of the most competitive tax incentive programs in the country, along with a broad network of production and recording facilities, a large and skilled workforce including actors, the latest production equipment and suppliers, gaming and interactive media developers, and technology and support services. The goal of GIACC is to be a liaison between the Indian diaspora film makers in India/US/Canada and the Georgia film industry/state of Georgia and support the Indian movie industry.
Besides showcasing Officially Selected movies and hosting workshops, the AIFF, for the first time, will host a Pitching competition on selected scripts submitted in the screen writing section of the festival.
We host live workshops on wide ranging topics including but not limited to investing (and money making) in movies and tips in acting for amateurs. We will have casting directors on site so that amateurs' and professionals have opportunities to audition for roles.
Screen writing (Pitching) Competition:
Atlanta Indian Film Bazaar
Atlanta Indian Film Festival is excited to launch its Indian diaspora-focused Atlanta Indian
Film Bazaar (AIFB), September 27-28th, 2025. It is open to Indian diaspora filmmakers creating movies in the US.
The film bazaar will be done along with the 7th edition of the Atlanta Indian Film Festival, a widely recognized Indian film festival in North America. . The Atlanta Indian Film Bazaar aims to provide a platform where the Indian American film industry can find genuine partnerships and financing opportunities for projects in development.
AIFB invites film pitches from the Indian Diaspora to explore partnerships from movie makers to collaborate including investors, and producing partnership. Our session this year includes
Narrative Feature Films only
-The submitted scripts will be sent to readers, who will review and evaluate each film based on certain criteria. The film scripts will be anonymous during the initial round of review.
-Shortlisted filmmakers will pitch their scripts during the Atlanta Indian Film Bazaar
-The winner will be decided by experts and judges with filmmaking and producing backgrounds.
-The selection process will be completely transparent, independent, and non-discriminatory.
-Review criteria include Plot/Story, Characters/Subjects, Dialogue, Indian USP, and ability to produce.
-The film script pitch session will involve a summary, a verbal pitch, a presentation deck, and a Q&A session.
Please submit the follow material to be considered:
**Feature Narrative**
(seeking Investors, Producing Partners, and Distributors)
-Screenplay (1st draft is fine) - first 25 pages for Narrative
One combined PDF including:
-Short Synopsis
-Long Synopsis or Story
-Director's Bio
-Producer's Bio
-Director’s Statement
-Visual and Treatment Note, or LookBook
-Estimated Budget Top Sheet
-Partners attached (optional)
-Talent attached (optional)
-Financial Plan (optional)
-Project Timelines
The pitches will take place during the Atlanta Indian Film Festival.
Cash Prize for the best pitch
Projects will be evaluated on
- relevance to Atlanta Indian film festival
-Originality and innovation of the concept
-Storytelling quality
-Narrative arch/key characters' journey
-Potential for International production
-Artistic/Design value
-Market Potential/Commercial Value
-Production Value
-Track record of studio/production company
-Pitch quality
Once a project has been selected, at least one project representative must present the pitch at the session
Attending the public pitching sessions is mandatory.
All our Officially Selected films will receive the Official Laurel and will be screened at our 3-Day Annual Live Event.
Winners will be announced at the end of the event and will receive a cash awards (each at $500 and upwards) The following prizes will be awarded at the Festival. This list includes awards granted and the awards will be determined by an independent jury. Awards and prizes are subject to change:
1. Best Film- Feature (All officially selected feature films are eligible for this award)
2. Best Film-Short (All officially selected short films are eligible for this award)
3. Best Director-Feature
4. Best Director-Short
5. Best Pitch (Atlanta Indian Film Bazaar)
6. Critic's Choice Award