CINEFIESTA, our internationally recognized Festival, is a project that impacts culture and the economy. Over the years and with the support of multiple public and private entities, CINEFIESTA became one of the most important Short Film Festivals in America, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is one of worldwide relevance.
Prize will be awarded in the following categories:
● First Prize – National/- $4,000.00
● First Prize - International - $4,000.00
● Special Jury Prize -National/l - $500.00
● Best Animation - National- $500.00
● Best Animation International - $500.00
● Cine Joven de Puerto Rico - $500.00
The following categories will receive awards consisting of trophies and or
● Best Director – National/International
● Best actor - National/International
● Best actress - National/International
● Audience award - National/International
● Best script National/International
● Best cinematography - National/International
● Best sound/ music - National/International
● Best sound/ music -National/ International
1.- The following categories will be part of the competition:
● Fiction: international Category:
Participation by foreign directors. Date of production must be after January 1
2018. Shorts published on social networks or streaming services will
not be accepted except in those cases in which the short has been
selected by a Festival that is produced exclusively in social networks
or streaming services.
● Animated short films: international Category:
Participation by foreign directors that have been produced : after January 1
2018. Shorts published on social networks or streaming services will
not be accepted except in those cases in which the short has been
selected by a Festival that is produced exclusively in social networks
or streaming services.
1.-Shorts published on social networks or streaming services will
not be accepted except in those cases in which the short has been
selected by a Festival that is produced exclusively in social networks
or streaming services.
2.- Short films submitted for evaluation by the Selecting Committee must be
original versions, of high quality, in one of the following formats, using the
following options:
A. National Short Films – Registering the short in the foundations web
page ( ), obtaining the corresponding inscription
number, uploading a copy of the short film in High definition with a
minimum resolution of 1280 x 72. The video file can be in the Divx or
QuickTime format. Short must be uploaded by well known electronic
means (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)
B. International Short Films – Uploading a high definition movie file,
through the official platforms (FilmFreeway) or any other bona fide platform that may be added by the organizers during the submission period.
C. “Cine Joven de Puerto Rico” Young Filmmakers National- Fiction
By regular Us Mail, sending a DVD-Video (wide screen) together with a
DVD-Data with a high definition movie file with a 1280 x 7 resolution. File
could be Divx or Quicktime (.mp4 codec H.264). Short must be sent to:
Fundación de Cine de Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 2036, Caguas, Puerto Rico
00726. Shorts in this category must be registered thru our official
platform ( and an ID number obtained.
• Shorts in low resolution will not be accepted.
3.- Shorts submitted thru our official platform ( ) must
be properly identified with:
● Id number assigned during the inscription process
● Title
● Category
● Director’s full name
● Director’s address (postal and electronic)
● Date of production
● Length
● Original format
● The organizers could use additional submission methods to expedite and
facilitate the process.
● With the above-mentioned information, a recent photo (still) of the
Director and a photogram taken from the short, both in high definition,
shall be sent with its proper authorization to be published without
In order to partially cover production costs, and the Foundation educational
programs, an inscription fee of $10.00 for national shorts and $15.00 for
international shorts will be electronically collected, using the official platforms
or the Festival site.
5.- Copies must be in Spanish, with English subtitles or English with Spanish
subtitles and produced after January 1 2018. The organizers could request
additional proof of the date of production and the short film could be disqualified if
found in violation of this requisite or any other that is described in this call.
There will be no restrictions as to themes or subjects. Shorts will have a
maximum length of twenty (20) minutes, including credits. Those
submitted to the “CINE JOVEN DE PUERTO RICO” category, must have a
maximum duration of 10 minutes, including credits.
Short films must be submitted by the Director , Producer or Scriptwriter or by the
person or organization with the legal rights over the film, and can show in writing
unequivocal proof of this. In the case that a short has been sent by another
other person or entity than the director, this person or entity must send evidence
of the directors’ authorization to do so. The cash prizes offered by the festival
are exclusively for the director of the winning short and any other person
or entity that claims them must submit proof that they have rights over the
submitted short and a written authorization from the author of the short. By
accepting to participate in the Festival states that he has the authority and the
capability to compete in CINEFIESTA 2019 and that his participation does not
infringe on the rights of any other person or entity. Therefore, the participant
agrees to maintain la Fundacion de Cine de Puerto Rico ( its employees, officers
and directors and concessionaires), exempt of any and all responsibility, loss,
damages or attorney's fees, that may arise or be related to any claim as a result
of neglect, error, omission or criminal/civil act in which the participant may be a
part, including, but without limitation, to intellectual or other rights.
6.- The Jury's decision will be announced during CINEFIESTA 2019 at the
Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico. Dates for the Festival could be changed
at organizers' will, due to unforeseeable circumstances.
7. - Prize will be awarded in the following categories:
● First Prize – National/- $4,000.00
● First Prize - International - $4,000.00
● Special Jury Prize -National/l - $500.00
● Best Animation - National- $500.00
● Best Animation International - $500.00
● Cine Joven de Puerto Rico - $500.00
The following categories will receive awards consisting of trophies and or
● Best Director – National/International
● Best actor - National/International
● Best actress - National/International
● Audience award - National/International
● Best script National/International
● Best cinematography - National/International
● Best sound/ music - National/International
● Best sound/ music -National/ International
8.- Winners must mention their awards in future copies of the winning short films
as well as in their professional resumes, web pages and similar media.
9 .- All works submitted to CINEFIESTA 2019 will be included in the permanent
archives of The Film Foundation, Inc. The mere participation in the contest
constitute a valid legal authorization that entitles The Film Foundation, Inc. to
exhibit the competing short films, without limitations, in any media present or
future and at any place in the world, provided due credit is given to the authors.
The non-profit nature of the The Film Foundation’s activities guarantees that the
works submitted will be used only to advance the educational and cultural
objectives of The Film Foundation, Inc.
10.- Participants will be informed of the results of the competition through the The
Film Foundation’s web page ( ), or any other page/site
created for that purpose, and announcements in the local and international press.
Winners will be announced during the closing night of CINEFIESTA 2019 (July
2019) and also notified via phone/email or letter certifying the award.
11.- Some prizes may be awarded as a contribution by public or private
institutions to promote and develop the local film industry and the Jury’s decision
will be honored by those institutions. The Film Foundation is not a part of the
negotiations between those entities and the winners and has no responsibility as
to the timely delivery of the corresponding prizes.
12.- Participation in the contest will be an express acceptance of the Terms and
Conditions hereby stated. The Jury’s decision will be irrevocable and final.
Caguas, Puerto Rico, December 24th. , 2018