"Challenges and opportunities in research, technology, and innovation" is the main theme of the festival.
Suggested Film themes and topics:
• Technology and Innovation
• Research facilities and equipment’s of research Institutes
• Universities and industry Relations
• Non-functional Research
• contributions in GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
• Productivity in research
• Migration of graduates and researchers
• Research station from people’s POV
• The impact of Technology and Innovation on people's lives
• Technology and social harms
• Technology and Localization
• Soft technologies
• The role of technology in the production of national wealth
• knowledge-based economy, knowledge-based society and knowledge-based world
• The role of science, research and technology in the areas of agriculture, defense, transportation, economy, future etc.
• Foresight in the fields of science and technology
• Using past experiences and knowledge in charting the future
• Academic cheating and fraud
Entrepreneurial universities
*The winner prize for each category will be $ 1,500 cash along with a festival statue and a plaque of honor for international competitors.
*On each section one film will be selected as a winner and one film will be selected as an appreciated artwork.
*ATF film festival has 7 different categories.