Mission Statement
Festival Cinema Invisible is an annual event organized by Free Culture Invisible LLC, which is an independent organization dedicated to celebration and promotion of films and other artistic and cultural expressions produced within or about the Middle East, North Africa and beyond, which may be problematic and challenging within the country of production or focus.
Too many recent films from the Middle East, North Africa and beyond are unable to achieve entry into the channels of distribution and the wider audiences that they deserve. The annual Festival Cinema Invisible creates visibility for endangered cinema of the region, giving filmmakers the opportunity to develop and grow while bringing their work to the attention of viewers who are eager to broaden arena for cultural exchange and diverse visions.
By introducing authors, artists, and filmmakers who may not have access to other venues, FCI provides a forum for dialogue and exchange of ideas. Through nurturing purposeful communication and meaningful cultural exchange, FCI aims to help artists learn and grow by exhibiting their creative works, while encouraging the international public to expand their understanding and knowledge of the works of art they may not otherwise experience.