1) Participation terms
1.1) Only audiovisual works no longer than 15 minutes can participate.
1.2) Contemporary work must be the subject of all submitted films.
1.3) Submitted works can be produced in any language, but they must contain either English or Italian subtitles in the preview version.
1.4) Submitted works must have been produced not before 1st January 2018.
1.5) Submitted works and music must be original; in case they are not, all property rights must be paid.
1.6) There are no limits regarding the number of works that can be presented by a single applicant.
2) Selection, prizes and Panel of Judges
2.1) The Organizers of the Contest will select the best films and will promptly notify the relevant authors within 7th September 2019.
2.2) Prizes will be awarded by a Panel of Judges composed by academics and professionals in the audiovisual industry and labor issues.
2.3) The prize for the winning short film is worth 1000 €.
2.4) The Panel of Judges reserves the exclusive right to assign prizes.
2.5) Directors reserve the right to assign special mentions; those can be awarded by specifically designated jurors, who may as well not be part of the Panel of Judges.
2.6) The selection of finalists’ film must remain confidential until the official programme of Short on Work is announced.
3) Rules for participation
3.1) At the moment of notification, selected authors only will be asked to provide the following documents:
- the registration form, duly filled in and to be found at the following link: http://ennesimofilmfestival.com/en/entry-form;
- signed authorization, downloadable at the bottom of the registration form (previous link);
- 3 video frames from the film;
- picture of the director;
- dialogue transcription (in .txt, .doc, .pdf format) or subtitles, either in English or in Italian (in .ssa or .srt format);
- link for the download of one copy of the film in .mov or .mp4 format with English subtitles;
- link for the download of one copy of the film in .mov or .mp4 format at the highest definition without any subtitles;
3.2) The deadline for submitting the requested material is 14th September 2019.
3.3) From 20th September 2019, all submitted works missing the required documents will be excluded from the contest.
4) Winners’ announcement
4.1) Winners of SHORT on WORK 2019 will be announced and awarded during an award ceremony on the 20th November 2019 at Marco Biagi Foundation.
4.2) The finalists’ films will be screened just before the ceremony. A series of related events dedicated to the exploration of film as an instrument for interdisciplinary research on work will take place on this occasion.
5) Usage of the submitted works
5.1) Directors, authors and copyright owners of the submitted works authorize the Organizers to screen the films during the award ceremony and in occasion of the related events that will take place.
5.2) They authorize the possibility to collect the selected work in a DVD or in a USB stick to be distributed in schools, universities, libraries and cultural centres. The distribution has no profit purpose, but it is a promotional initiative only.
5.3) Directors, authors and copyright owners of the submitted works authorize the Organizers of the contest to store a copy of the film in their archive and to use it for didactic and research purposes, in any contest which is adequate for promoting and enhancing the use of films as instruments for research on contemporary work; commercial use is absolutely excluded in the protection of both the authors’ and the producers’ interests.
5.4) Directors, authors and copyright owners of the films authorize the Organizers to upload their own works on the Youtube channel and the official website of SHORT on WORK, in order to foster their circulation.
5.5) In case there are specific and motivated obstacles for the publication of the films online, it is necessary to send an email to info@shortonwork.org, requesting not to upload the film, specifying one’s reasons.
5.6) Participating in the contest involves full acceptance of these rules.