This is the first film festival in Russia about mental health and mental illness.
We are especially interested in challenging stereotypes, showing different perspectives on mental illness, and informing and enlightening the general public about mental health. The festival is dedicated to breaking the stigma surrounding mental illness by sharing stories and promoting empathy for those who live with these chronic psychiatric conditions.

We do take films covering matters of mental disorders and issues such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, derealisation, emotional burnout, difficult relationships with parents and etc – everything people face through thier life.

We do not take films about mental disabilities (autism, Alzheimer disease and etc) and films about food, drugs or other sorts of addiction.

Our main goal is to increase awareness and understanding of mental illness and to be open to everyone.
If you feel you cannot afford the submission fee, please write to to request a discount.
The most important thing is to have these films seen by an audience for that purpose.

Filmmakers will be given the opportunity to participate in a Q & A.

The winners will receive diplomas and presents.


1. Mental Health Film Festival accepts submissions for feature films, short films, feature documentaries, short documentaries and animation.

2. All films submitted must have been completed on or after January 1, 2023

3. All films must be submitted with an online screener

4. All feature narrative and feature documentary submissions must be over 60 minutes in length.

5. All short film narrative and short documentary submissions must be under 60 minutes in length.

6. Animation and student film submissions of all lengths will be considered.


8. All entries must be submitted with English (or Russian) subtitles

Overall Rating
  • Хочу высказать огромную благодарность организаторам фестиваля! В этом году мы участвовали первый раз в категории депрессия с нашим коротким метром «У меня всё нормально». Ребята смогли привлечь огромную аудиторию и поговорить на очень важные темы ментального здоровья! После такого масштабного мероприятия хочется дальше снимать и стараться делать что-то полезное!

    October 2024
  • A wonderful festival. Very good communication. We are so happy that there was a discussion panel with psychologists after our projection. And the screenings are well attended. We thoroughly recommend this festival

    October 2024
  • I loved the Festival. the kindness and the organization. Thank you very much!

    October 2024
  • Very beautiful festival with an important themes and messages. We loved the screenings in different cities. It’s a festival with an important role in the circuit and we are so grateful that they choose our work.
    We have only one advise: in the future we suggest to improve the channels of communication with foreign productions.

    November 2024
  • Oya Gökşin Babaoğlu

    Happy to see our film as a finalist at such a mental health awareness film festival!

    August 2022