Award for documentary and art videos on Europe and European issues.
Upfront! is a platform for your artistic, political and social voice. Here you can take a stance on European issues that move you and start an artistic debate. Submit a video of any form now, to show your perspective and say what you think! Exciting prizes and an international audience await you! Completely free of charge.
Let's be upfront!
Upfront! Young European Video Award is a cooperation between the Young Filmwerkstatt Düsseldorf and the EUROPE DIRECT Düsseldorf. Both institutions are located in Düsseldorf and represent two different perspectives that merge in upfront!: Art and information.
Award for documentary and art videos on Europe and European have the chance to win one of the three following prizes. The winners will be selected by a jury of former winners and experts from cultural sciences and video art.
1st place: 1.500 €
2nd place: 1.000 €
3rd place: 500 €
In addition, the winner will be invited to join the awards ceremony in Düsseldorf, Germany (financial support available).
Find more information on the jury and prizes on our website.