**PLEASE attach dialogue lists (original and English) to your submission (required by the festival's organizer).**
Of submitting films to the 2024 BNP Paribas Two Riversides Film and Art Festival
1. The Regulations specify the terms of submitting, qualifying and managing the films in respect to the organization of the BNP Paribas Two Riversides Film and Art Festival, called henceforth the Festival, which will be held from July 27th to August 4th, 2024.
2. The Festival is organized by The Two Riversides Association. The Association is the Festival’s legal representative of all matters.
3. The submitted films should meet the requirements of these Regulations.
4. Submitting a film for the Festival is tantamount to consenting to the free screening of the film during the Festival.
5. Submitting a film for the Festival is tantamount to accepting these regulations.
1. World Under Canvas.
2. Music – My Love.
3. In The Short Run.
1. International Short Films Competition,
2. The Audience Poll.
1. The entry is open for fiction, documentary, animation, experimental films to sections:
1.1. World Under Canvas;
1.2. Music – My Love;
1.3. In The Short Run;
1.4. International Short Films Competition.
2. Films rejected in previous editions will not be taken into consideration.
3. It is possible to submit a film on special conditions, accepted by the Festival’s Artistic Director.
1. Feature fiction, documentary, animation, experimental films (longer than 60 min).
2. Films before the official Polish theatrical release.
3. Films made in 2023 or 2024, older when it will be a Polish premiere of the film.
1. Medium-length fictional, documentary, animated and experimental films (between 35 and 60 minutes).
2. Films made in 2023 or 2024, older when it will be a Polish premiere of the film.
1. The Competition is organized by The Two Riversides Association.
2. In the Competition take part:
2.1. Short films (shorter than 35 min.);
2.2. Films made in 2023 or 2024, older when it will be a Polish premiere of the film.
3. Films are assessed by the Jury selected by the Festival’s Programming Department.
4. The Main Competition Prizes, that is given to the director of the film. The Festival anticipates the following minimum amounts of the prizes:
4.1. First Prize: 6 000 PLN gross;
4.2. Second Prize: 4 000 PLN gross;
4.3. Third Prize: 3 000 PLN gross.
5. The Best Cinematography Award, which is awarded to the cinematographer of the film. The Festival anticipates the minimum amount of the award:
5.1. 4,000 PLN gross.
6 Distinctions. The Festival anticipates the distinctions in the total amount of 6.000 PLN gross. The Jury may award:
6.1 two distinctions in the amount of PLN 3,000 gross or
6.2 three distinctions in the amount of PLN 2,000 gross
7. The Festival will pay the prizes within 30 days from an official announcement of the Competition’s results. The basis document will be the Jury Statement, signed by all its members, comprising the names of the winners and the amounts of the prizes. The winners should provide all necessary data needed to make a payment. The Festival will deduct and pay taxes according to the regulations in force.
7. The Festival will not incur neither the costs of making the submitted films, nor the prize collection.
8. The Festival reserves the right to stop or cancel the Competition.
9. The film can not be withdrawn from the program after 22nd of June 2024 without the Organizer’s consent.
1. In the Poll take part films presented in the sections World Under Canvas and Music – My Love.
2. Feature films presented in other sections (made in 2023 or 2024) may be included.
3. The final list of the Audience Poll films will be published on the Festival’s website one week before the start of the Festival at the latest.
4. The Festival audience votes for the film on special, marked coupons, granting the title from 1 to 5 points.
5. Films which will gather less than 30 valid coupons will not take part in the Audience Poll.
6. Out of valid coupons will be calculated the weighted mean. The Director of the film which gets the highest result will receive the Audience Award.
7. The organizer allows for the award of the Audience Awards, separately for:
7.1. films in the World Under Canvas section and other feature films;
7.2. films in the Music – My Love section.
1. Submission of the film is possible only via the Internet platform FilmFreeway, available at: www.filmfreeway.com/festival/tworiversides.
2. A fee is charged for submitting a film to the festival.
2.1 There is a fee of 12 USD (twelve dollars) for submitting a film to the World Under Canvas and Music – My Love section.
2.2 There is a fee of 7 USD (seven dollars) for the submitting a movie to the In the Short Run section.
2.3. There is a fee of 7 USD (seven dollars) is charged for submitting a film to the International Short FIlm Competition.
3. In the event that the festival will not be organized by the organizer, the fees listed in point 2 will be returned.
4. It is eligible to submit only one (1) film of the given director.
5. The completed Entry Form should be sent by April 30th, 2024.
6. Submitter must be authorized to make the submission and grant to the Organizer a license for the screening of the film at the Festival and the accompanying materials for promotion of the film screening within the Festival.
1. Films should be submitted in the original version with English subtitles.
2. Films in Polish and English version do not need to have English subtitles.
3. When the film is selected for the Festival, the English dialogue list and original dialogue list (when not English) should be provided.
1. If the submission via www.filmfreeway.com/festival/tworiversides is late or entry form is not duly completed, the Festival has no obligation to admit the film to the selection.
2. The Festival does not bear the responsibility for the submissions delayed or lost due to force majeure.
3. The Festival has the right to place submitted films into a different Festival section.
4. The Festival has the right to announce an additional award category after the selection is made.
5. The Festival informs by e-mail about selection results only submitters or entity of films selected to the program.
6. The Festival will not pay a fee for the screening selected films.
7. A selected film cannot be withdrawn from the Festival program after June 22nd, 2024.
1. Film formats that can be presented at the Festival are:
1.1. DCP (excluding International Short Films Competition);
1.2. Blu-Ray;
1.3. Different formats, including file format, should be approved by the Festival.
2. The screening copies should reach the Festival Office by June 22nd, 2024. Any exceptions to this rule should be agreed with the Festival before this date.
3. The Festival incurs one way shipment costs:
3.1. Upcoming transport, when after the Festival the film is shipped to the next film event.
3.2. Outgoing – when the film is submitted in the Entry process.
3.3. The rule has no application when the film is invited by the festival and its transport is from and to the owner of the copy – in such cases, the Festival covers the costs of transport in both ways.
4. The Festival is responsible for the screening copies from the moment of pick-up from the shipper (when importing) to the moment of giving them to the shipper (when re-exporting). The Festival’s responsibility for damage or loss of the print is limited to the cost of making a new print according to the present laboratory rate for making a standard print.
5. Damage to the film print must be reported in the written form to the Festival Office prior to any following screening or, if there are no following screenings, within a month after the return of the copy.
6. All prints will be returned by September 30th 2024 at the latest.
1. The Festival has the right to:
1.1. Use excerpts (max 3’), trailers and pictures from the film for promotion and public relation purposes.
1.2. To publish information about the film on the Festivals’ website as well as in all printed promotional materials (such as the catalogue, the program brochure, press materials).
1.3 To use all publicity materials before, during and after the Festival.
2. The submitters of the movies from the International Short Films Competition consent to 5 (five) free of charge screenings of the awarded movies on special screenings in Poland and abroad after the Festival. The exact schedule of planed screenings will be sent to the film’s creators.
1. In case of doubt the definitive interpretation is up to the Festival’s Artistic Director.
2. Please send any questions regarding the submission and selection of films to: maciek.jaszczynski@dwabrzegi.pl.
3. The International Short Films Competition, with conditions described above, is not “a game of chance”, nor “a tambola”, nor “a mutual bet”, nor “a promotional lottery” which result depends on coincidence according to art. 2 of The Act of Games of Chance and Mutual Bets from 29.07.1992 (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland, no 68, it. 341 with later changes).
4. Submitting a film to the Two Riversides Film and Art Festival is equivalent to the acceptance of the conditions set out in these regulations.
5. Submitting a film to the Two Riversides Film and Art Festival is equivalent to the acceptance of processing personal data for the selection and marketing purposes by the Festival (Data Protection Law from 29.08.1997, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland, no 133, it. 833 with later changes).