The transition international queer & minorities film festival showcases the diversity of minorities within the LGBTIQA+ (LESBIAN GAY BISEXUAL TRANSGENDER INTERSEX QUEER ASEXUAL) spectrum. Every June and November in Vienna, Austria, we use film as a way to confront, break stereotypes and engage our audience using discussions, workshops and lectures. We aim to increase visibility and initiate dialogue on migration, women*, people of color, refugees, dis/ability, trans*, religion and more. Being minorities within a minority – our struggles, stories and histories are often erased or are portrayed simplistically in one-dimensional narratives laden with stereotypes.
Unable to find ourselves in mainstream queer cinema, transition was born in 2012 to provide a positive space for storytelling and use film as a tool to inform, educate and entertain. Previously known as the “Internationale Queere Migrantische Filmtage” (International Queer Migrant Film Days), what began as a three-day event has evolved into a nine-days festival with industry guests, filmmakers and critics, making it an integral part of the Austrian film scene. With a program consisting of classic and contemporary films including shorts, documentaries and feature-length films; old faces and industry newcomers; local and international guests come together to celebrate the diverse nature of being Queer.
2022 sees the festival return at two different dates: the 10th edition will take place June 09 - 11, 2022 (festival #1) & November 16 - 22, 2022 (festival #2) in various venues in Vienna still with the challenging objective to showcase and celebrate the colourful diversity of queerness, and stimulate an open, societal debate. In JUNE 2022 the festival program focuses on making queerness visible in film – and connecting the queer community. NOVEMBER 2022 will sharpen our view on queer minorities.
The festival offers a film, art and theory program that breaks stereotypes, redefines and challenges - to proudly present feminist, lgbtiqa+ & queer-minorities positions. The transition international queer & minorities film festival wants to create an open and welcoming space for reception, discussion, and reflection and to challenge and broaden horizons. #claimyourspace
Our submissions are open until end of April 2022, but the submissions will be divided according to the different parts of the festival.
SHORTS: Short films will, if selected, only be shown in festival #2 (November 2022).
FEATURE FILMS: Features will, if selected, either be shown in festival #1 in June or festival #2 in November. If your feature film is selected for June, you will receive an extra email long before the official notification date email.
This selection process will be determined purely by the programming team. Submission constitutes acceptance of these conditions.
We would love to receive films on topics that give us insight on sex and gender, queerness, lgbtiqa+ activism, body/gender/ethnic/religious diversity, feminist queers, queer minorities, queer refugees, impact of heteronormativity on our society and of course, lots and lots of glamourous fun!
But we also want to start a new sub-category of “Austrian Queer Shorts” in our diverse program: shorts that focus on the situation in Austria, and thereby promote young
queer filmmakers from Austria.
We are very excited about your submissions!
Films who are part of the competition will be able to win awards in the following categories: International Short Film, Austrian Short Film, Feature Film and Documentary.