Welcome to Ozarks Indie TV Fest an exciting new festival celebrating the independent spirit, creativity, and storytelling that drives innovation in television. This inaugural event is dedicated to showcasing original voices that challenge traditional norms, foster bold storytelling, and aims to redefine production and distribution in the television industry.
Open to first-time creators and seasoned industry professionals alike, the festival invites submissions across a diverse range of categories, including drama, comedy, documentary, faith and family, and short-form web series. By embracing risk-taking and creative content, the festival seeks to highlight the power of independent creators to inspire, challenge, and entertain.
Beyond being a showcase for creative work, the Ozarks Indie TV Fest offers an invaluable opportunity to connect audiences and creators with industry professionals, creatives and critics. Attendees can share their vision through pilot episodes, scripts, pitches, or short-form series, positioning themselves at the forefront of the burgeoning independent television movement.
More than just an event, the Ozarks Indie TV Fest serves as a catalyst for building a new model of independent television production and distribution. By creating a supportive and dynamic space for storytelling, the festival underscores its mission to champion great ideas and provide a platform for fresh, independent voices in television.

- All entries selected to participate in the festival will receive an Official Selection laurel.
- Category winners will receive a Best in Category Laurel.
- Category winners will receive a $250 prize.
- Two scripts, one comedy and one drama, will have their project showcased in a live table read during the festival.

Submission Requirements: All entries must be intended for television or streaming platforms. Submissions that do not align with these mediums will be disqualified without refund.

Note on AI use: The use of AI to draft any portion of a script, or generate images for pitch materials, generate images or video as part of a film or program is expressly prohibited and entry found to breach this rule will be disqualified without refund.

Language: Submissions must be in English or contain English subtitles.

Original Work: All submitted material must be the original work of the entrant(s). Any submission found to infringe on the copyright or intellectual property rights of others will be disqualified.

Eligibility: Entrants must be over 18. Creators of all experience levels are welcome.

Multiple Entries: Entrants may submit to multiple categories or submit multiple projects within the same category. Each submission requires a separate entry form and fee.

Submission Deadline: All entries must be submitted by the posted deadline. Late submissions may be subject to additional fees.

Entry Format:
Filmed Pilots and Digital Shorts: Must be submitted as a link to YouYube or Vimeo. Official Selections will submit a minimum 1080 HD high-quality digital video file .mov, H264, or .mp4.

Scripts: Must be submitted in PDF format.

Pitch Decks: Must be submitted as a PDF using the official pitch deck format found on the festival website.

Content Restrictions: Content that promotes hate speech, gratuitous violence, or explicit content without artistic merit will not be accepted.

Screening Rights: By submitting, you grant the festival the right to screen your project if selected as a finalist.

Refund Policy: All submission fees are non-refundable.

1. Filmed Pilot Episodes
Filmed Pilots: Drama
Run Time: 45-60 minutes.
Genre: Any drama genre.
Requirements: Provide a Logline, 250 word synopsis, pilot episode mp4 file, and creator bio.

Filmed Pilots: Comedy
Run Time: 30-35 minutes.
Genre: Must focus on comedic themes or narratives.
Requirements: Provide a Logline, 250 word synopsis, pilot episode mp4 file, and creator bio.

2. Pilot Script Competition
Length: Drama 45-60 Pages : Comedy 30-35 Pages.
Requirements: All submitted scripts should conform to standard television format. The submitted project must be an original work, spec scripts for existing series will be disqualified. Submit the script as a PDF. Along with a logline, 250 word synopsis, and creator bio.
Two winning entrants will be selected for a live table read during the festival

3. Pitch Deck Competition
Format: Requirements: Submit a pitch deck and summary outlining the show's concept, characters, and potential for production, along with a 250 synopsis and a creator bio.
Official Selections will be invited to the live pitch competition during the festival where they will pitch in front of a live audience and a panel of industry judges.

4. Digital Shorts
Run Time: Under 15 minutes.
Genre: Any genre, intended for digital or streaming platforms.
Requirements: Submit a mp4 file, along with a logline, 250 word synopsis, and a creator bio.