The WUAA (World University Animation Awards) is a continuation and celebration of Hong Kong Metropolitan University's (HKMU) creative arts education, extending its beliefs and ideas to universities worldwide. The awards focus on outstanding works in Animation art, including 3D animation with imaginary story-telling or documentaries, and forms of art x technologies composing future animation arts.
The aim of WUAA 2025 is to curate and showcase animated short films produced as student projects or graduation projects by students at film and animation schools globally. We strive to inspire both audiences and creators, nurture emerging talent, and contribute to the growth and promotion of animation culture and industry.
Shortlisted animations will be screened during WUAA 2025, and winners will be announced and awarded at the Award Presentation Ceremony.
Event Period: Fall 2025
Venue: Hong Kong
Grand Prize - Cash (USD 10, 000) and Trophy
Best Artistic Award - Cash (USD 10, 000) and Trophy
Best Narrative Award - Cash (USD 10, 000) and Trophy
Jury’s Award - Cash (USD 5, 000) and Trophy
Next Generation Award - Cash (USD 5, 000) and Trophy