Rules & Terms:
1. Participation in the Vibe Indie Music Video Fest is open to anyone who is working with music video production.
2. Music Videos can be from any year and no longer than 15 min (including credits).
3. Acceptance into Vibe Indie Music Video Fest only guarantees screening or award nomination.
4. Participants may submit to more than one category.
5. This excludes the “Atlanta’s Own Category.” This is a special category where any video submitted that was wholly produced by a team in Atlanta will be considered.
6. Entries that are not submitted by the Final Deadline, will not be considered. No exceptions. Please feel free to submit for the next years festival.
7. Submissions will be reviewed and nominated by Vibe Indie Music Video Festival and subjected to a multi-layer judging process where submissions with the highest scores will receive an award for its designated category. Vibe Indie Music Video Fest holds the right to accept, decline, or reassign submissions to different categories. Please be aware that all submissions will not be accepted into the festival.
8. Submissions will be judged on overall artistic quality that include but are not limited to levels of creativity, originality, technical aspect and storytelling.
9. All winners will be announced and receive their trophy at the awards ceremony that will take place at the Vibe Indie Music Video Fest. It is preferred that all nominated submissions send a representative to represent their submission. However, winners who are not in attendance may pay for the postage fees to have their award sent to them.
10. All entries must be works that you have produced and/or own and have the rights to. All participants warrant that they have obtained all relevant rights and written permissions from individuals featured in the entry. Vibe Indie or Vibe Indie Music Video Fest, will not be held liable for this.
11. All participants warrant that their movie or music video does not violate federal law.
12. Participants who submit an entry into Vibe Indie Music Video Fest give the organization permission to use the video as well as pictures and names attached to the film for advertising and public relations purposes in connection with marketing the festival.
13. These terms can be modified at anytime.
14. All fees are nonrefundable.
15. All films must be uploaded via the secure online screener function of FilmFreeway.
16. All decisions are final and can’t be appealed.
17. Participants will be notified of selection or non-selection by or before May 28th, 2022.
18. Videos presented in a language other than English must include a copy of the written lyrics.
Special Student Terms:
19. The Student category is for high school students ONLY and submissions must be accompanied by a current student ID. College and any other “student” submissions will be considered and must be entered into the general categories.
20. High school student projects may ONLY enter the “Student” category.
21. Vibe Indie Music Video Fest reserves the right to verify the eligibility of participants and check their identity in accordance with our terms.
I/We understand that failure to adhere to these terms will result in disqualification and forfeiture of entry fee.
By submitting material I/We understand that Vibe Indie and Vibe Indie Music Video Fest will not be held liable for any claims, demands, losses, damages, judgments, liabilities, and expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims of third parties, whether or not groundless, based on any music video, advertisement, film or media submitted to the festival.