The Horror Collective is dedicated to cultivating a vibrant community of independent genre filmmakers, offering a platform where their unique visions can reach passionate fans. Over one intense weekend, we present a carefully curated selection of the most innovative and terrifying films from around the world. The winning film will be awarded a theatrical release on a minimum of 20 screens, supported by over $50,000 in P&A. Additionally, a few exceptional runner-up films will be chosen for distribution packages, including PR and marketing services valued at over $25,000.
Here are some of our past winners:
To ensure that we receive only the most fitting submissions, we have instituted a nominal $10 submission fee. This fee helps us maintain the festival's high standards, but we are committed to refunding it for submissions that meet our criteria.
The winning film will be awarded a theatrical release on a minimum of 20 screens, supported by over $50,000 in P&A. Additionally, a few exceptional runner-up films will be chosen for distribution packages, including PR and marketing services valued at over $25,000.