The Horror Collective's mission is to foster a community of independent genre filmmakers and connect their films to fans. We provide your film promotion and distribution with the aims of bringing your film to the right audience.

Our acquisitions team uses FilmFreeway as an additional way to scout for new feature-length films that may fit our distribution goals. We believe that a direct-submission platform allows independent filmmakers to bypass the barriers erected without a sales agent or manager in place and to have their work considered for distribution for Entertainment Squad/The Horror Collective's slate.

The Horror Collective programs a branded, curated short film block at the Days of the Dead horror conventions (, Panic Fest (, and several other genre film festivals around the world. These short blocks are comprised of FilmFreeway submissions and these selections may be licensed for a new anthology series from The Horror Collective set to debut in 2020 on Amazon.

Films with sales agents are encouraged to submit their work as well. We have put in place a $10 submission fee to avoid mass submissions from inappropriate sources but provide refund for appropriate submissions.

We are seeking feature-length horror films for theatrical and digital distribution.
Selected films will receive an additional $15,000 for promotional spend, the winner will receive $25,000 in promotional funds.

Your feature film must be under 120 minutes and over 80 minutes.
We are no longer accepting shorts.

Overall Rating
  • A great festival with an incredible opportunity for distribution alongside a curated line-up.

    August 2020