Terres Travel Festival - Films & Creativity is an international tourism film festival.
Its 8th edition will be held from September 12 to 19 2025, in Tortosa, Spain.
- Tourism Communication:
Typology of accepted productions:
1. Film (up to 10')
a. Tourist Destinations:
a.1. Country
a.2. Region
a.3. City
b. Tourism products
b.1. Rural Destination
The film promotes a rural destination or equipment located in a rural setting
b.2. Cultural Destination
The film promotes a destination as an asset of special cultural interest, whether it is a route or specific facilities
b.3. Active and sports tourism, nautical, snow and adventure
The film shows tourism activities related to the practice of sports
b.4. Expeditions and discovery
The film illustrates itineraries where adventure and the spirit of discovery prevail
b.5. Events
The film documents an event linked to the tourist promotion of a facility, a city, a region or a country
b.6. Business Tourism
The film shows business or public initiatives dedicated to promoting business tourism
b.7. Film tourism
The film shows the specific promotional activity of the Film Commissions and Film Offices or illustrates the variety of locations in a city, region or country to become a filming location for audiovisual productions.
b.8. Gastronomic Experiences and Wine Tourism
The film illustrates the activities of private establishments or public agents to promote gastronomic or wine tourism.
b.9. Authentic experiences, linked to the territory
The film shows tourist activities with a strong personality, linked to a specific territory
c. Tourism services:
c.1. Tourist Accommodation
The film promotes dedicated accommodation facilities
c.2. Health and Wellness
The film promotes facilities, destinations or routes that base their activity on the promotion of health and well-being
c.3. Mobility
The film shows initiatives or services linked to passenger mobility
c.4. Accessible and Responsible Tourism
The film illustrates tourist activities that stand out for their integrative nature or the promotion of accessibility to all types of people.
c.5. Business action
The film shows business initiatives that stand out especially for their originality, their ecological impact or their social impact.
c.6. Innovation
The film shows initiatives by public agents or private actors that stand out for their innovative and transformative vocation.
(*) The films participating in the meta-category "Tourism Services" will be addressed to the Terres Check-In competition. The Award Ceremony will take place on September 6th in Barcelona, Spain.
d. Independent Travel Film
The film is made by an independent producer
2. Documentaries:
Typology of accepted productions:
1. TV shows
2. Short films (up to 30 ')
3 Half-length films (up to 52 ')
4. Feature films (up to 120 ')
. Adventures, expeditions and routes
. Biographies
. History and Heritage
. Sustainable tourism
. Preservation of the planet
. Ethnography and society
. Corporate documentaries
. Transports and Eco-mobility
. Social Responsibility
. Arts, Music and Culture
Jury - Tourism Communication. Gold / Silver Award per Category.
Jury - Documentary. Gold Award per Category.
Jury - Best Documentary Film.
Special Awards:
- Climent Ferré AWARD. Best film promoting the values of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
- Best Iberoamerican film
- UNESCO ePlatform Award. Best film encouraging respect among cultures
- Terres de l'Ebre Award. The Film which shows better the concept of sustainability
- Grand Prix
Arts & Crafts:
. Best Direction
. Best Script
. Best Artistic Performance
. Best Post Production
. Best Infographic Design
. Best Soundtrack
. Best Production Design
At the moment, there is not expected any metallic prize.