Submitted work must be in its final, completed, form. Submitted work must also be free to view. Accepted filmmakers must own the rights to all of their work and all associated components by the time of the festival. Any foreign language submissions must be subtitled in English. Work will be considered regardless of its premiere status - even if your work has premiered at another festival or online, it is still eligible.
All submissions must also meet the criteria outlined below:
Running time for narrative feature films must be over 40 min
Running time for documentary feature films must be over 40 min
Running time for narrative shorts must be under 40 min
Running time for documentary shorts must be under 40 min
Running time for individual episodes must be under 60 minutes.
This category is for work intended to be presented in a multi-episode format.
Up to 4 episodes of a single project may be submitted, but all episodes must play continuously in one single video file and cannot exceed the 10GB file size limit.
TV Pilots are acceptable.
Please Note: If your project is accepted, we reserve the right to limit the number of episodes featured on our online festival site at our discretion.
All projects must be submitted as Online Screeners through FilmFreeway. SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL does not accept links or submissions via email.
Upload a video file directly to FilmFreeway:
All major video formats are accepted by FilmFreeway in full quality HD with a 10GB file size limit. Uploaded video files will be transcoded for playback compatibility and performance, so your final submission will have the following settings:
Maximum video bitrate: 2200 Kbps, H.264, mp4
Audio: 128 Kbps, AAC, 2 channel stereo
Aspect ratio preserved; maximum video height of 720 pixels
Enter the URL to an existing YouTube or Vimeo link:
If submitting a link, password protection is recommended. If submitting a Vimeo link, update the privacy settings to allow for embedding so that the Vimeo player can be displayed within the FilmFreeway Interface.
After your submission has been processed, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
Check the status of your submission through FilmFreeway at any time.
Screeners that play properly will get priority viewing. Please ensure that your Secure Online Screener plays fully before submitting.
If the submitted Secure Online Screener does not work, we will contact you as soon as possible to request another screener. However, there will be the risk that we will not receive the working copy in time to view.
If your submission is successful, you will be notified via email by early to mid March.
Our official Entry Form and Screening Guidelines will be included in this email for you to complete and return.
If your submission is unsuccessful, we will notify you via email as soon as possible.
All decisions made by the SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL selection committee are final.
SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL does not pay screening fees for submitted films. By submitting your project, you acknowledge that SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL will not pay to present your work.
Submission to SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL serves as an agreement to all rules, regulations, and conditions as outlined in this document. Submission also confirms that all film and music rights and clearances have been obtained and grants your consent for your entry to be considered for any awards that may be given out by SPYFLIX.
Submissions that contain significant amounts of non-English spoken dialogue must provide on-screen English subtitles. SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL reserves the right to disqualify, without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected, any submission that does not include the necessary accompanying onscreen English subtitles.
It is your sole responsibility to ensure that your submission plays in its entirety. SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL reserves the right to disqualify, without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected, any submission that is not viewable due to any technical issue, whether the fault of the applicant or any third-party system.
It is your sole responsibility to ensure that your submission’s status is listed as “In Consideration” on FilmFreeway.com no later than 11:59pm on the final day of the current deadline window. SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL reserves the right to disqualify, without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected, any and all submissions that are not complete at that time. You may re-submit the same project within another deadline window, if applicable.
Upon completion of the Festival selection process, SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL will attempt to contact you using the contact information provided on the submission form to notify you of your submission’s acceptance status. SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL disavows any responsibility for, and will not be held responsible for, any failure to contact you using the contact information provided on the submission form. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the contact information provided on the submission form is correct throughout the entirety of The Festival selection period (June 1, 2020 – April 18, 2021).
SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL is under no obligation to provide to you or any other representative of the submission any comments or feedback regarding the submission, any information relating to the manner in which the submission is, will be, or was reviewed; any views that SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL or any reviewers of the submission may hold concerning the submission; any reasons why the submission, should it not be accepted for exhibition at the Festival, was not accepted; or any other information relating to the Festival’s review, consideration and/or selection process regarding the submission specifically or submissions generally beyond the information set forth in these Rules and Regulations. SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL disavows any responsibility for, and will not be held responsible or liable for, the contents of any internal comments or feedback regarding any submissions that are or may be obtained by you or any other representative of the submission; any communications by any representative of SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL relating to the submission or the Festival selection process; the manner in which the submission shall be, is or was considered and reviewed; the identity or identities of any specific reviewers of the submission; and/or any failure on the part of SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL to provide you or any representative(s) of the submission with information concerning the SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL’s consideration and/or review of the submission.
By submitting, you agree not to withdraw your narrative feature film, documentary feature film, narrative short, documentary short, or episodes from SPYFLIX FILM FESTIVAL after it has been accepted by the Festival’s selection board.