"2024 The 8th Pumpkin Fantasy International Film Festival" Call for Entry
南瓜奇幻(pumpkin fantasy film festival)由影迷自筹资金独立举办,作为一个非盈利性质的放映组织,意在促进中国恐怖、奇幻、科幻类型片的发展,营造一个良好的类型片迷影氛围。南瓜奇幻从2016年创办以来,每年的万圣节期间在北京线下举行一系列展映活动,邀请类型片行业人士与创作者、影评人、资深影迷互动交流,成为中国最专注的类型片推广平台。2024年第八届南瓜奇幻以“奇异幻境Weird & Magic”为主题,立足本土原创,再次面向世界公开征集奇幻、科幻、恐怖三大类型作品,以向世界各地的奇幻电影节靠拢,希望通过更多的原创作品交流实现平台的互链,把我们的影迷文化推向新的风口。
[I. Introduction]
The Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival (PFFF), independently organized by film enthusiasts through self-funding, operates as a non-profit film organization with the aim of fostering the development of horror, fantasy, and science fiction films in China. It is by far the biggest and the most professional genre film promotion platform in China. Since its inception in 2016, the Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival has been hosting a series of screening events annually during Halloween season in Beijing, inviting industry professionals, filmmakers, film critics, and seasoned film enthusiasts to engage in interactive discussions. The 8th Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival in 2024, themed "Weird & Magic," welcomes submissions worldwide in the genres of Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Horror. The festival aims to connect with international genre film professionals, fans and platforms, facilitate communication across platforms and realms through original works, push the limits of the genres, and propel our fan culture into new heights.
[II. Event Dates]
The 8th Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival will be held during New Year’s Day from January 1st to 3rd, 2025.
1. 需为2021年1月1日至2024年10月15日(报名截止日)之间制作或完成的作品。接受报名截止日前尚未完成作品(但需要提供未完成小样和预告片,正式完成作品必须在10月25日前提交)。
2. 类型仅限于恐怖、科幻、奇幻三种类型,长片片长(含演职人员表)应在60分钟(含)以上,短片片长(含演职人员表)应少于60分钟,AI短片单元片长不超过5分钟,且未以任何版本报名过本竞赛和展映(即不得以其它版本或替换片名之方式重复报名)。
3. 首映资格无特定限制。
4. 欲角逐「最佳华语奖」者,参赛影片语言必须为华语且出品制片国家为中国。
5. 不参与竞赛单元(即只参加展映单元)作品,无制作和完成日期限制。
[III. Eligibility]
1.Entries must have been produced or completed between January 1, 2021, and October 15, 2024 (deadline for submissions). Entries for works not yet completed by the submission deadline will be accepted but a rough cut and a trailer must be provided, the final cut of the film is to be submitted no later than October 25.
2.The genres are limited to Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy. Feature films (including credits) should be 60 minutes in length or longer, and short films (including credits) should not exceed 60 minutes. (The length of the AI short film unit shall not exceed 5 minutes)Submissions must not have been previously submitted to this competition and screening in any other form, version, or under a different title.
3.No specific restrictions on premiere status.
4.Entries competing for the "Best Chinese Film Award", the language of the film must be Chinese and the country of production must be China.
5.Films participating only in the screening session (non-competition) have no restrictions on production and completion dates.
1. 国内免报名费用。
2. 报名时间:2023年9月1日起至2024年10月15日截止。
※ 建议您提早报名,以免仓促出错,耽误您的报名时间。
3. 平台报名:filmfreeway.com线上平台报名(https://filmfreeway.com/PumpkinFantasyFilmFestival666)。
4. 邮件报名:向官方邮箱pfff_nangua@163.com提交报名信息。
(百度云报名表下载: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YUxPUS-772_ZGUmQgs80TA 提取码: 2024)
(夸克盘报名表下载:链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/127b1669555d 提取码:hDsK)
5. 报名影片规格:影片需720p以上画质,华语影片非普通话发音语言需上中文字幕,国际影片非华语发音语言需上英文字幕。
6. 提供的报名及上传资料将作为入围公布、得奖公布、展映手册印制、颁奖典礼等依据,如有错漏须由报名单位自行承担相关责任。
[IV. Submission Methods]
1.No registration fee for domestic entries (China).
2.Submission period: From September 1, 2023, to October 15, 2024. ※ It is recommended that you submit your work as early as possible to avoid rushing and potential delay in your registration process.
3.Online submission: Online registration on filmfreeway.com (https://filmfreeway.com/PumpkinFantasyFilmFestival666).
4.Email submission: Submit registration information to the official email address: pfff_nangua@163.com.
※Email subject format: "2024 Pumpkin Fantasy Festival Competition (or Screening) Registration + Film Title."
※Attachment document: Competition registration form.
(Baidu Cloud Download: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YUxPUS-772_ZGUmQgs80TA Extraction Code: 2024)
(Quark Disk Download: https://pan.quark.cn/s/127b1669555d Extraction Code: hDsK)
※Attachment images: 1 film poster, 1 director photo, 3 or more film stills.
5.Film submission specifications: Films must have a resolution of 720p or higher. Chinese films not spoken in standard Mandarin must have Chinese subtitles, and international films not in Mandarin must come with English subtitles.
6.The provided registration information and materials by participants will be used for finalist announcements, award announcements, print material, screening brochures, awards ceremony, etc. The participants will be solely responsible for any errors or omissions.
[VI. Finalists and Award Announcements]
The film festival is expected to announce the full list of finalists on our official page on Weibo and WeChat platform in October 31, 2024, a notification letter will be sent to the finalists by email. The winners will be announced on the day of the Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival Competition Award Ceremony in January 3, 2025. The announcement will be posted on Weibo, WeChat as well as the official website.
[VII. Film Copy Rules and Regulations]
Film copies must be physically or electronically sent to the "Pumpkin Fantasy Fest Office" by the specified deadline, with the mailing cost borne by the shortlisted party. In case of any issues with the shipment or file transfer, participant should contact the organizers directly.
* 特殊申明
* Please Note:
Upon receipt of the official finalist notification email, if the participant fails to submit the official screening copy and related materials within the specified time, any late submission will be regarded as a waiver.
电话:+86 13718047379
Mailing Info:
Room 1510, Jingui Apartment, Yongkang City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province,China (Post Code:321399
Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival Committee (Liu Fei)
Phone Number: +86 13718047379
Email: pfff_nangua@163.com
1. 影像画质: HD (1080P)以上
2. 视频格式:MOV/MP4/AVI
Film Copy Specifications
Image Quality: HD (1080P) or higher
Video Format: .MOV/.MP4/.AVI
Subtitle Language: Film copies must be in the original language filmed. Chinese-speaking films not spoken in standard Mandarin must have both Chinese and English subtitles; non-English-speaking films must be submitted with English subtitles.
1. 参赛者同意以(或应自行剪辑提供)参赛作品的10%,或不超过3分钟的影片影音内容,以及其参赛时所提供的文档、资料、档案(包含但不限于上述形式)等,无偿授权南瓜奇幻影展及其相关授权之第三人,将入围影像创作作品重制编辑(仅限于加中英文字幕及宣传片剪辑),于「2024南瓜奇幻影展」相关活动中(基于推广之必要,包括但不限于宣传及展映活动)作为公开上映、公开演出、公开口述、公开展示。
2. 影片中之配音、配乐及AI使用之图文及人物肖像均需向原创作者/团队取得重制编辑、公开上映、公开演出、公开口述、公开展示、公开播放及公开传输之授权,如因影片播出产生著作权相关法律争议,由参赛者负全部责任。必要时主办单位得要求参赛者提出证明外并签署音乐版权切结书,以供查核。
3. 参赛者于完成报名程序后即视为同意主办单位所列之各项规定,不得以任何理由取消报名。报名者、影片制作方、出品方、发行方或相关单位有义务确保影片之合法性,主办单位保有该片是否具备参赛资格之最终决定权。
[VIII. Additional Notes and Copyright Matters]
Rights and Obligations of Participants
1.At the time of submission, participants agree to grant 10% or up to 3 minutes of the content of the submitted work, and the documents, materials, and files provided with the submission, to the Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival and its authorized third parties the right to re-edit (limited to adding Chinese and English subtitles and/or editing promotional trailers), publicly screen, publicly perform, publicly narrate, and publicly display the shortlisted works, at no cost, for the "2024 Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival" related events (including but not limited to promotional and screening activities).
2. The dubbing, soundtrack and AI graphics and portraits used in the film must obtain authorization from the original author/team for re-editing, public screening, public performance, public dictation, public display, public broadcast and public transmission. In case of legal disputes related to copyright arising from the broadcast of the film, the participant bears all responsibility. If necessary, the organizing party may require the participant to provide proof and sign a music copyright agreement for verification.
3.Participants are considered to have agreed to the various provisions listed by the organizing party upon completion of the registration process and may not cancel the registration for any reason. The registrant, film production party, production company, distributor, or related party is obligated to ensure the legality of the film. The organizing party solely reserves the right to make the final decision on whether the film is eligible to participate in the competition.
2024 Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival Committee
Organizers: Bad Movies Studio, Phantom House Film Studio, KR Video
Official Website: http://www.pff-fest.com (coming soon)
Email: pfff_nangua@163.com
Phone Number: 13718047379
Douban mini site: Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival
Weibo: Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival
WeChat Public Account: PFFF2022 (or search: Pumpkin Fantasy Film Festival)