PROXY ACT is now calling for artists to submit their work for the 11th anniversary of our international itinerant screening of short films in 2025.

We are interested in material that portraits a vision into a new world. A vision of change that triggers responsible acts for a global change that brings nature to the center of our identity. Visions of a new dawn for us as individuals, as societies and as humanity. We are interested in films that inspire a new dawn by portraying it or by pointing out the non-obvious of our current human state.

Our is always released in our yearly Proxy Act screening (Germany summer/autumn 2025). A cultural event hosted in Germany aiming to awaken new dreams and inviting to ACT as the transformation we need. Our screening could be happening in an open-air space, a classic Berlin cafe, a video art projection room, a festival and/or a pop-up stage. We work to bring films, music and nature together as a ritual of unique responsible act for change.


Proxy Act selection is also screened throughout the year of selection in different partner events and venues around the world (England, Germany, Italy, Colombia). Our interest is to bring an inter- and multi-cultural audience to this films, creating a community feeling between the filmmakers and them.

PROXY ACT has partnered with venues and other festivals in Colombia, Italy, England and Germany. Other projects organised by us include ProxySYNC: a unique event with an artistic programme happening simultaneously in Bogotá (Colombia) and Caserta (Italy). We are looking to expand to North America, Asia and Oceania.

Our selection of short-films and media art has given our events a wide variance of cultural freshness to the way audiovisual material is constructed.

PROXY ACT is a collaboration of international artists and performers based in London and Berlin. We are constantly developing our own artistic projects through films and performances and wish to support those who work in this media too.

We work in productions that bring together performance, music, storytelling and video, having as inspiration the realities that native indigenous traditions still maintain alive.

Our last co-production is in collaboration with the indigenous community of the Arhuaco, for a crowd funding campaign supporting the liberation of land to be guarded and protected from abusive use of the Earth and of Nature. This short documentary was released in 2021.

We are interested in material that approaches the thought of a NEW DAWN (nature, society, the individual, the family, the community, the soul, the invisible, ancestral, spirit). We want to screen a vision of change that encourages responsible acts for a global change that brings nature to the center of our identity. What is spiritual, what is tradition, who are our ancestors?

With this we are aiming to find a selection that touches the following topics and similar:
-water (oceans/lakes/rivers/emotions/wells/springs
-living in community
-new habits
-new social agreements
-nature's rights
-nature as people
-indigenous world-views
-technology as detachment from nature
-spirituality as technology
-origin of a patriarchal society
-ancient medicine
-the human and the universe
-religions' points of intersection

If you have short films or artistic projects that you would like to exhibit at one of our events and you believe it is not necessary to have the original physical format of the work on display, we can exhibit for you by screening your work as digital images and/or sound in partner galleries or in our events within the space of our exhibitions. With that we bring your work in front of the eyes and ears of a new audience.

We are also open to performance and presentation ideas in which art and technology converge. There is no limitation to discipline or genre.

The selected material will be screened and exhibited on our different events through our season 2025-2026 which runs for one year. We will have screenings in different venues, events and festivals in different countries.

We are also open to work in collaboration and bring artistic teams together with different skills that can manifest unique productions. For any idea send us a direct email.


The Proxy Act

Overall Rating
  • Thank you Proxy Act, I´m proud about the selection at your festival. Could not attend in person but looked nice from the distance. Good luck and hope to see you one time.

    December 2023
    Response from festival:

    Thank you Harry. Your film was awakening and ringing important awareness about nature, water and life on this planet.

  • Marta Skoczeń

    Thanks a lot for selecting my film. I believe Proxy Act is a great festival that really creates opportunities for filmmakers. Wish I could come next year.

    November 2020
    Response from festival:

    Thank you Marta. We hope to have you next year!