The Oneida Film Society (OFS) presents the first Oneida Smartphone Film Festival (OSFF) in Oneida, Wisconsin. The theme for OSFF is Telling Our Own Stories. The OSFF's vision is to create a film platform providing an opportunity for novice and experienced filmmakers to incorporate talent and creativity into a 3-10 minute film captured on a smartphone or tablet. We are looking for stories that represent diverse Native communities and inspire individuals to promote self-discovery, connection, and build relationships with others. Submissions will narrate belief, culture, and personal stories. Films submitted must be new creations that have not been submitted before. Submission is free.
Free film workshops will be available for participants from July-October 2019. Visit website for details. We invite you to create your own movie poster that will be displayed at the film festival night in November 2019. Movie posters submitted will be displayed at the film festival and yours to take home.
The Oneida Community Education Center and Arts Program is not responsible for the content of any film. This project is supported by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin, Oneida Nation Community Education Center and Oneida Film Society.
Up to $2,000 in cash prizes!