Mexico City Independent Film Fest seeks to become a place where public, filmmakers, producers, critics and other professionals of the film industry can exchange different views, and activate alternative exhibition venues in the country's capital. Its mission is to disseminate contemporary proposals whose production is not related to major film studios, create meaningful cinematic experiences and promote the film culture and program films with a difficult theatrical exhibition.

Best film
Audience Award

Mexico City Independent Film Fest calls national and foreigners filmmakers to register their works to the seventh edition, which will take place from July 26 to 29, 2025.

Will be considered mexican or foreigners works (documentary, fiction or hybrids), completed in 2023-2025, with a maximum runtime of 34 minutes (including end credits). Films made in any technique could apply, including animation.

Feature & Medium-length Films
National or international fiction feature and medium-length films (documentary, fiction or hybrids), with a runtime of more than 35 minutes, completed in 2023-2025.

Music videos or works made for promotional purposes or that have been distributed on DVD, Blu-ray, or online for free will not be accepted. Films that have been available for a limited time on a streaming platform, product of the competition of another festival are allowed.

Besides international films, it is the interest of the festival to promote Mexican and Latin American cinema, especially which has to do with contemporary proposals that explores both technical and aesthetic ideas and address problems that affect us as individuals and societies.

Works will be received from the time of publication of the call for entries and until 23 hours (Mexico-City central time) on May 9, 2025.

Entries must be submitted in their original language, with subtitles in Spanish or English if needed. If selected, the film must have subtitles in either of these two languages.

The festival will award a prize for best film. Additional prizes of sponsors of the festival may be granted. The Jury will be entitled to award other special mentions that they deemed.

The works to form part of each section will be chosen by a selection committee, whose decision is final. Please consider that the selection of the festival will consist mostly of shortfilms and medium-length films.

Selected works could be part of national and international exhibitions during 2025 and 2026, or in festival extensions during that period. By participating, applicants commit to being part of these events and agree to allow the use of materials, stills, or segments from their film for publicity and the creation of other printed or electronic materials, such as invitations, posters, banners, postcards, or catalogs, if required.

Exhibition formats during the festival could be DCP, Bluray or Digital Copy (Apple ProRes 422 or H.264). Under no circumstances participants will be paid for any rights to exhibit the submitted work (screening fees).

The festival may have hybrid presentations. Participants may choose to allow their work to be shown via streaming or television (in addition to physical venues) during the festival dates.

The list of selected films will be published in the official website of the festival on June 7, 2025.

Registration of works to the Mexico City Independent Film Fest constitutes acceptance of the rules of this call and renunciation of any claim or legal action against the Festival, their representatives or affiliates.

Any matter not specified in this call will be resolved by the organizers.

For more information:

Overall Rating
  • Luis Axel García Panchi

    Fue una experiencia encantadora, un recibimiento y atención sumamente acogedor, regalos y fotos para el público. Gracias por tanto y por la oportunidad de presentarnos.

    December 2024
  • José Luis Isoard Arrubarrena

    Bien organizado; compartimos programa con cortometrajes muy buenos y frente a un público abierto y atento.

    Un festival que crece año con año. Muy agradecidos con la consideración para formar parte.

    August 2024
  • Weston Lyon

    Excited to be programmed alongside so many great films. Well run festival.

    August 2024
  • Great festival. Adan and his team really care about their program and have the resources to put on a fantastic festival at historic, beautifully designed venues. We are grateful for the opportunity to share Tinderbox with Mexico City audiences and hope to return with other films in the future.

    August 2023
  • Diana Morales S.

    Gracias FECIMX. Fue un honor formar parte de la sexta edición. Buena comunicación por parte de la organización, gracias por todo.

    August 2023