KINOMORPHIA is a documentary and short film festival based in Sofia, Bulgaria. The festival quickly established itself as the leading event in the city for creative, cutting-edge films. With young and vibrating audience, KINOMORPHIA continues to support independent filmmaking by showcasing documentary films, fiction and experimental short films that are not afraid to cross boundaries with uncompromising style and powerful storytelling.
KINOMORPHIA provides platform for films that use the language of cinema not only as an exciting art form but also to engage with the issues of today's world.

Keeping in mind the uncertainties that surround the COVID-19 pandemic, we aim to preserve the contact between audience and filmmakers with real screenings in cinemas.

The screenings are taking place in Cinema House - the leading cinema in Sofia, Kino Vlaykova - the oldest working cinema and other places in the central parts of the city.

Submissions will be open for the fifth edition of the festival in 2022. You can send your films regardless of the genre, form or year of completion. Documentary films can by any length and all other must be no longer than 30 minutes long to be considered. If your film is not in English, it should have embedded subtitles in English.

Best Documentary
Best Fiction
Best Animation
Best Experimental
Best Bulgarian Film

1. To submit a film you must own the rights to the screening of the film.
2. Films must be in English or with embedded English subtitles.
3. The festival accept films from every genre and year. Fiction, animation and experimental films must be no more than 30 minutes long.
4. The fee to submit your film is used solely to cover the live screening costs.
5. The submitter of the film is responsible for all copyrights including music clearance rights. They have the legal right to submit their film to the festival and, if selected, to grant screening permission.
6. The festival selection committee will watch and consider all of the received films. The festival will notify via e-mail the senders of the selected films to provide a quality version of their film for festival screening. 1080p, 720p, mp4 or .mov formats are preferred.
7. The selected films in agreement with the holder of their rights may be shown in front of live audience at non-commercial screenings as part of the festival.
8. The festival may promote your films on social media, based on the materials, posters, trailers and press kits that you provide us with.
9. The festival retains its right to change the date of the festival screenings to accommodate the proper organisation of the festival.
10. The entry fees are non-refutable.
11. By submitting your film you agree that you understand and accept our terms and conditions.

Overall Rating
  • Great festival, wonderful opportunity. Thank you for everything!

    November 2021
  • maia iotzova

    The festival was very friendly and flexible. Great communication. They lifted the entry fee, which was very considerate because of the financial hardship people experience during the pandemic. I could not attend, so can't comment on the program or any in person aspects.

    September 2020
  • We love the @kinomorphia film festival. From their communication and their passion, to their beautiful line up in short films from around the world, such a great little festival. The fact that they took the time to translate Bellmouth's subtitle file into Bulgarian so that more people could watch it and fully engage with it says everything about the cineastes they truly are...

    Such value for money, fantastic social media presence and posting. It's clear love, thought and passion goes into this new, but one to watch Film Festival.

    May 2019
    Response from festival:

    Thank you! Your words mean so much to us!

  • Sabrina Mertens

    This was the first festival what showed two of my movies at the same time! Thank you very much for that. I am very happy that my documentary won the award for the best documentary. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the festival, but I had some impressions from the pictures they published on Facebook. Thanks for the opportunity to show my work in Bulgaria.

    March 2019
  • Marius Øfsti

    Did not travel - but communication both before and after festival was excellent and overall programming looked great.

    January 2019