KINOMORPHIA is a documentary and short film festival based in Sofia, Bulgaria. The festival quickly established itself as the leading event in the city for creative, cutting-edge films. With young and vibrating audience, KINOMORPHIA continues to support independent filmmaking by showcasing documentary films, fiction and experimental short films that are not afraid to cross boundaries with uncompromising style and powerful storytelling.
KINOMORPHIA provides platform for films that use the language of cinema not only as an exciting art form but also to engage with the issues of today's world.
Keeping in mind the uncertainties that surround the COVID-19 pandemic, we aim to preserve the contact between audience and filmmakers with real screenings in cinemas.
The screenings are taking place in Cinema House - the leading cinema in Sofia, Kino Vlaykova - the oldest working cinema and other places in the central parts of the city.
Submissions will be open for the fifth edition of the festival in 2022. You can send your films regardless of the genre, form or year of completion. Documentary films can by any length and all other must be no longer than 30 minutes long to be considered. If your film is not in English, it should have embedded subtitles in English.
Best Documentary
Best Fiction
Best Animation
Best Experimental
Best Bulgarian Film