KC FilmFest International (formally known as Kansas City FilmFest) is celebrating it’s 29th year of bringing independent film to Kansas City audiences. Please join us March 27-30th, 2025!
All weekend we will screen
• Independent films from around the country and the world!
• 100+ narrative and documentary shorts and features
• All topics, and in addition, film tracks on CinemaJazz, Women Directed Films, Latin Cinema, Black Voices Matter, Alternate Stories, World Cinema, and more.
The festival also hosts filmmaker panels, opening receptions and a Filmmaker Lounge for filmmakers to network and grab a bite to eat and drink.
KCFFI offers Audience Choice awards for each narrative feature and narrative documentary & nine juried awards selected by film professionals from across the U.S.
Each year the festival builds on its tradition of bringing inspiring, thought-provoking, and entertaining films to Kansas City audiences and offers opportunities for artists and filmmakers to network, and develop their craft and art. Over the years, our visiting filmmakers have let us know how much they've enjoyed screening for, and interacting with, our engaged and enthusiastic audiences!
Final jurors for Kansas City FilmFest International 2025 will come from a selection of industry professionals in filmmaking, distribution, film media, and festival programmers.
Kansas City FilmFest International is the longest running and largest film festival in the Kansas City Metro Area. It's presented and governed by the Kansas City Filmmakers Jubilee, a nonprofit arts organization, which debuted its first film festival in April 1997.
Kansas City FilmFest International 2025 looks forward to hosting audiences and filmmakers in person and in theater and invite you to join us!
-Narrative Short ($250 prize)
-Narrative Feature ($500 prize)
-Documentary Feature ($500 prize)
-Documentary Short ($250 prize)
-Heartland College Student Short($150)
-Heartland Highschool Student Short ($150)
-Fred Andrews Emerging Filmmaker Award ($500)
-Rick Cowan Award for Best Cinematic Heartland Film Locations ($500) Films must have been at least partially shot in Missouri or Kansas to qualify. Included location details in submission form.
-Best Actor in a Narrative Feature Film
-Audience Choice Award for Narrative Feature and Documentary Feature (they are voted on during the festival by audiences)
-Heartland Filmmaker Award- May be awarded by Programming for an outstanding feature narrative or documentary if the filmmaker currently resides in Missouri or Kansas, was born in Missouri or Kansas, or the film was shot in Missouri or Kansas.