Flipbook Film Festival is an annual cultural event devoted specifically for animated films made by European authors. The Festival comprises screenings of the latest works of the European animated production, exhibitions of various artists, masterclasses, workshops led by professionals, panels, debates, meetings with filmmakers and concerts.

Best European Animated Short Film
Best European Animated Student Short Film
Best European Animated Documentary Film
Best European Animated Music Video

1. Festival

- Flipbook Film Festival is an event organized by the FlipBook Productions and ASIFA Macedonia, with the support of the Cinematheque of Macedonia (Skopje).

2. Submissions

- All submissions are free of charge.
- Any European animated film, European Student animated film and European animated documentary film completed after January 01, 2022 can participate. The submission deadline for all the categories is May 01, 2024.
- To be considered for one of the competitions, the duration of the films must be less than 20 minutes (including credits).
- The submission of the films is via FilmFreeway platform.
- Only the selection committee will have access to the film files.
- The films that are not in English must have English subtitles.

3. Competitions and Awards
- Competition of European Animated Short Films (short animated films from European countries with duration less than 20 minutes),
- Competition of European Student Animated Short Films (short animated films from European countries with duration less than 20 minutes that were completed as graduation films or as part of university studies),
- Competition of European Animated Documentary Film (short animated documentary films in which the animation is integrated in the films in such a way that without it the meaning of the film would become incoherent, with duration less than 30 minutes).
- Competition of European Animated Music Videos (short animated music videos from European countries with duration less than 7 minutes)
- Three juries will decide the above awards and none of the jury members will be involved in the production of any of the films they judge.

4. Selection

- The selection of the films will be made according to the following criteria: originality, artistic excellence and innovative animation techniques, social and educational impact.
- All applicants who have submitted films for pre-selection will be informed of the results by the Festival organization.
- All the applicants/authors of the accepted and not accepted films will be informed at the latest by June 15th, 2024.
- Once a film has been selected to participate in the Festival cannot be withdrawn from the Festival program.
- All the selected films will be screened at the physical as well as at the online edition of the festival.
- The Festival does not pay screening fees for the films of any of the Festival competitions. By participating in any of the categories the festival is permitted to screen your film a maximum of ten times for promotional purposes and other programs such as educational programs, and additional film screenings as collaborations with other festivals. No screening fees are included in this agreement.

For any additional information regarding the above mention please contact:

Flipbook Film Festival

Overall Rating
  • Yichin Tsai

    Very nice staff with fast and helpful communication!
    I’m very honored to have my film in Flipbook Film Festival!

    August 2024
    Response from festival:

    Thank you dear YiChin ❤️
    We were also very honored to screen your film, and that you received the award!
    Hope to have you on some next edition
    Love 💗
    FFF team

  • Wonderful team, cozy (outdoor)location, and an amazing film selection! Flipbook is a small gem of a festival that is sure to shine even brighter in the future!
    Thank you for the warm hospitality and the special mention in the student section for my film Hooked On Illusions <3

    August 2024
    Response from festival:

    Thank you dear Laura, it was a pleasure to have you.
    Hope you come and visit us on some next edition!
    Love ❤️
    FFF team

  • Katrin Novakovic

    Flipbook Film Festival is a beautiful festival with professional and lovely organisers. They have great films every year, but also really nice party's where you can meet authors and producers from around the world. They organise excursions into beautiful nature near Skopje and invited us to eat delicious Macedonian food. I would recommend it to everyone!!

    January 2024
  • Nikola Radulovikj

    Flipbook film festival is one of the best I've been to! We had a great time, can't wait till next year! Thank you!

    August 2023
  • Michael Jacob

    Incredible Festival, wish I could've attended myself. Was accepted to screen my film "Dawn" with great hospitality. Thank you

    August 2023