Filmarte Short Film Festival aims to bring independent cinema to the foreground while supporting emerging filmmakers from all walks of life.

Taking place since 2022 in the beloved Gato Vadio, FSFF has become a yearly meeting point for cinephiles, filmmakers and industry professionals. Attracting a young audience of Porto and foreigners.

Films run the gamut of genres from fiction films and documentaries to music videos and animated movies. We welcome all filmmakers whether experienced or beginners to show us their artwork and become part of our diverse screening programme.


1. All film submissions should be made digitally.
2. All photos provided must be clearly identified. Photos may be used for any festival promotions.
3. Films may have been broadcast on Television, Cable or have had an international theatrical release prior to FSFF.
4. Non-English language produced films must have English subtitles or be dubbed in English.
5. All entrants certify that they have been given full rights to use any and all music in their films.
6. Film Producers are responsible for insurance to FSFF.
7.The title of the work and name of entrant must be on all mailing containers, labels, can reels and film leaders.
8. Selected film will take place in a Festival and the results will be public in our website.
8. Filmmakers or screenwriters accepted and are attending the festival are responsible for travel, lodging, and all other expenses.
9. Film prints and other film material will be handled with utmost care. However, neither the FSFF staff nor supporting theatre organisations staff can assume responsibility for damage or loss of the print and other film materials.
10. All stated information, eligibility and submission guidelines, terms and conditions of entry, and entry information is subject to change by the organization of the Festival, Ramaldar Productions, without notice.