Cinema Urbana - 5ª Mostra Internacional de Cinema de Arquitetura de Brasília
Cinema Urbana é uma mostra internacional de cinema de arquitetura que acontece anualmente em Brasília desde 2018. São exibidos filmes documentais, experimentais, de animação e de ficção, nos quais a arquitetura e as cidades são protagonistas. A cidade sempre foi o principal tema e cenário do cinema. O cinema constrói espaços mantais que estruturam nosso “ser no mundo” e articulam a superfície entre a experiência individual e a experiência coletiva. O que vemos quando vemos a cidade pelas lentes de uma câmera? Quanto de nossas cidades, arquitetura e comportamentos vêm sendo reconfigurados pelo cinema?
Cinema Urbana, na sua quinta edição em 2025, terá mostras, homenagens, competitiva de filmes, palestras e debates.
Diante da emergência climática, a Mostra Cinema Urbana propõe um olhar crítico sobre como a arquitetura e o urbanismo podem enfrentar desafios climáticos e sociais, apontando caminhos para um futuro sustentável. Com o tema "Paisagens Radicais", a mostra explora a paisagem como reflexo de transformações naturais, sociais e econômicas, integrando qualidade de vida e integridade ecológica.
A curadoria destaca a urgência da justiça climática, considerando a vulnerabilidade das populações mais pobres e dos migrantes ambientais. A interconexão entre crises climáticas, sociais e econômicas demanda soluções urbanas que reduzam desigualdades, promovam bem-estar e adaptação às mudanças do clima.
Ao mesmo tempo, a mostra investiga práticas sustentáveis e soluções regenerativas, inspiradas nos saberes ancestrais dos povos originários. Conceitos como a *"floresta como cidade"* desafiam o urbanismo tradicional, propondo construções que não apenas respeitem o meio ambiente, mas o restaurem.
A Mostra Cinema Urbana recebe filmes de todos os formatos e gêneros, finalizados a partir de 2024, como ferramenta para refletir sobre o presente e imaginar futuros possíveis. Mais do que um espaço de debate, buscamos catalisar ações concretas e redes de transformação. *Quais utopias reais podemos construir juntos?*
Cinema Urbana is an international architecture film festival held annually in Brasília since 2018. It showcases documentary, experimental, animated, and fiction films in which architecture and cities take center stage. The city has always been a primary theme and setting in cinema. Cinema constructs mental spaces that shape our "being in the world" and mediate between individual and collective experiences. What do we see when we view the city through the lens of a camera? How much of our cities, architecture, and behaviors have been reshaped by cinema?
In its fifth edition in 2025, Cinema Urbana will feature film screenings, tributes, a film competition, lectures, and debates.
In times of climate emergency, Cinema Urbana proposes a careful look at how architecture and urbanism can respond to present-day climate and social challenges, offering new paths toward a sustainable future. With the theme "Radical Landscapes," the showcase places landscape at its core—understood as the result of transformation processes that foster interactions between natural, sociocultural, and economic systems. From this perspective, the goal is to integrate quality of life with ecological integrity.
The curatorship highlights the importance of climate justice, acknowledging the disproportionate vulnerability of the poorest populations to extreme climate events. These communities, often living in high-risk areas and contributing the least to global warming, face compounded challenges. Added to this reality is the plight of climate migrants and refugees, forced to leave their lands due to droughts, floods, and other environmental catastrophes. The interconnected crises—climatic, economic, social, and cultural—constitute a polycrisis rooted in structural causes such as extractivist capitalism and systemic inequality. Transforming urban environments requires solutions that simultaneously reduce inequality, promote quality of life, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and enable adaptation to climate impacts. Within this context, we ask: How can architecture accommodate these populations while ensuring dignity, security, and inclusion in resilient and accessible spaces?
At the same time, the showcase explores solutions focused on environmental regeneration, including sustainable practices, nature-based solutions, and environmental activism. Inspiration comes from the ancestral knowledge of Indigenous peoples, whose harmonious relationship with nature suggests new paradigms. Concepts like "the forest as a city" challenge conventional urban planning, proposing construction approaches that not only respect ecological balance but actively promote its restoration.
In this scenario, time becomes a crucial factor in the process of change—whether through the immediate action of activists, the acceleration of necessary transformations, or the revival of ancestral teachings. Architecture must transcend problem-solving and assume a transformative role, fostering resilient communities, sustainable mobility, and new uses for built spaces that respect the limits of natural resources.
Cinema Urbana welcomes films of all formats, genres, and audiences—including fiction, documentary, animation, and experimental works—completed from 2024 onwards. The festival uses cinema as a lens to reflect on the present and envision possible transformations. Our goal is not only to spark reflection but also to inspire concrete actions and support networks for systemic change; to provoke deep dialogues between architecture, nature, and humanity, pointing toward radical and hopeful possibilities for a just and environmentally sustainable future. More than reflecting, Cinema Urbana seeks to catalyze collective movements that reshape our urban and ecological practices.
How can we build networks of action and solidarity together?
What revolutionary visions of urbanism and architecture are possible?
What real utopias can we imagine and manifest?
What stories do we want to tell?
What futures can we build together?
As premiações são escolhidas por um júri composto por profissionais, arquitetos e cineastas experientes, que atribuirá os seguintes prêmios:
* Prêmio Brasília ao melhor filme em competição produzido em Brasília.
* Prêmio de Melhor Filme em competição.
* Prémio do Público para o melhor filme em competição escolhido pelo público.
Outros prêmios podem ser anunciados.
Os filmes premiados são elegíveis para um programa em circuito itinerante de festivais de cinema de arquitetura, brasileiros e internacionais. Caso um filme não permita essa exibição, deverá comunicar ao festival, por e-mail, a sua não elegibilidade.
The awards are decided by a jury composed of experienced professionals, architects, and filmmakers, who will grant the following prizes:
- Brasília Award for the best film in competition produced in Brasília.
- Best Film Award for the top film in competition.
- Audience Award for the best film in competition, selected by the audience.
Additional awards may be announced.
Winning films will be eligible for inclusion in a touring program of architecture film festivals, both in Brazil and internationally. If a film is unable to participate in this program, the festival must be informed via email of its ineligibility.