Born and raised in New York, Brian Karl Rosenthal cut his filmmaking teeth shooting on S-VHS camcorders in High School and editing deck-to-deck. Film school consisted of hands-on experience, staying up way past his bedtime to watch MonsterVision with Joe Bob, and late-night deep dives into the special features of countless DVD's. In 2013, at the height of the DSLR revolution, he tried his hand at YouTube, creating a viral hit in the infamous and critically acclaimed fan-film "Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness". Since then, Rosenthal has created and released several more viral shorts to the combined tune of over 20 million views and was most recently awarded BEST FLORIDA FILM for his short, "Fever", in iHorror's 2019 Film Festival. Brian is currently developing several feature film projects, including a feature length version of his new dystopian slasher short, "POV".