Borgarnes Film Freaks BFF enters it's 3rd year of screening international and local films. The films screened at BFF Film Freaks shall be selected by their humor and creativity.
The BFF Event is free to the public.
If your film is selected and you are able to attend we will arrange for a Q&A, local board & lodging with friends of the organization for the night of the screening of your film. Please note we can only host one representative of your film crew.
When the final selection is made we will share your contact information with the other selected film makers (with your permission) so that you may organize your travel arrangements together. When planning please bear in mind the weather and driving conditions are in the name ICEland. If you are a selected filmmaker and would like to volunteer please let us know.
Introducing Film Culture:
The town of Borgarnes has about 3000 residents, is located 60 kilometers north of Reykjavik and has never had an official Cinema. The US Army introduced film going culture when it brought the first projector to Borgarnes in the 1940’s. Once upon a time it was possible to view box office hits each Sunday at the Oðal community center, which lasted up until 2012.