ART. 1
(1) The STOP CADRU International Film Festival is intended to be an annual cinema event, organized by the STOP CADRU Association and the George Topîrceanu Centre for Culture and Arts in Curtea de Arges, with the following main partner: the Curtea de Arges City Hall
(2) The main objective of the STOP CADRU International Film Festival is to promote emerging and established artists and their film works, to organize debates, master-classes and workshops and to build bridges between film artists around the world.
(3) Only short fiction films with a maximum duration of 30 minutes can participate in the STOP CADRU International Film Festival.
(4) To register the film in the festival, a fee of 2 euros must be paid for early registration. Regular and extended deadline will be free of charges.
ART. 2
The second edition of the STOP CADRU International Film Festival will take place between 26-28th of July, in the royal city of Curtea de Argeș.
ART. 3
The third edition of the STOP CADRU International Film Festival consists of the following competitions and events:
- "Short Fiction": this competition will present a selection of both student and professional creations projected in HD, made between 2022 and 2024.
- Retrospectives: will be decided by the organisers each year.
- Development workshops through theater addressed to children and young people
- Other events: feature film projections, photo exhibitions, concerts, stand up comedy shows, openings, master classes, parties, etc.
ART. 4
(1) The owners of the rights of the works screened in one of the competitions or non-competitive programmes of the STOP CADRU International Film Festival must send, for pre-selection, by 30 June 2024, a link for online viewing of the film with English subtitles. This screener must be accompanied by appropriate information: synopsis, photos, crew, casting, director's bio-filmography, completed entry-form.
(2) STOP CADRU International Film Festival does charge an entry fee of 2 euros. Participation in the festival selections means acceptance to add the copy of the film to the archive, as well as acceptance to use these copies for teaching, research or promotional purposes outside the festival, excluding any form of commercial exploitation, protecting the rights of authors and producers.
ART. 5
The Artistic Direction of the STOP CADRU International Film Festival is responsible for the selection of films for the competitive section of the festival. The final selection decisions cannot be contested. Also the selected movies should be sent in the required format of the festival until 18th of July 2024 . If the movies will not be sent in time the Artistic Direction will disqualify the movie from the official competition.
ART. 6
(1) The prize amounts of the STOP CADRU International Film Festival will be announced at the beginning of the event.
(2) The traditional STOP CADRU International Film Festival awards may be supplemented each year by other awards, by decision of the festival management.
ART. 7
Once a film has been accepted and confirmed for participation in one of the competitions of the STOP CADRU International Film Festival, no withdrawals are allowed.
ART. 8
The STOP CADRU International Film Festival is fully responsible for the technical and administrative organisation of the event.
ART. 9
Each producer is fully responsible for the costs of transporting the films to Curtea de Arges, while the STOP CADRU Association and the George Topîrceanu Curtea de Arges Centre for Culture and Art are responsible for the costs of transporting the films back to their country of origin after the end of the festival.
ART. 10
When applying for the pre-selection of the festival, the producer of the film must send the following material in electronic format via e-mail to:
1 still from the film;
synopsis of the film; Romanian/English
the cast and crew;
director's biography; Romanian/English
full filmography of the director (indicating both English and original titles of works);
ART. 11
(1) All films shall be screened in their original version (OV).
(2)All films (both foreign and Romanian) will be screened with English subtitles.
ART. 12
STOP CADRU International Film Festival accepts the following training for screening: DCP or HD file with English subtitles.
ART. 13
All materials must be sent to:
(at: Centrul de Cultura si Arte George Topârceanu )
Bulevardul Basarabilor 59, Curtea de Argeș 115300- ROMANIA
TEL. 0248 728 342