L’idée d’organiser le Paris Surf & Skateboard Film Festival (PSSFF) est née de la rencontre entre passionnés issus des mondes du surf, du skateboard et de l’image. Nous avons fait le constat qu’il existait de nombreuses productions cinématographiques sur le surf et le skateboard et que celles-ci étaient peu visibles dans les salles de cinéma parisiennes.
La vidéo faisant partie intégrante de ces cultures nous avons voulu créer un événement qui offre un espace à tous ces films qui racontent des histoires. Des histoires du passé, du présent et du futur.


The idea to organise the Paris Surf and Skateboard Film Festival was born from the encountering of passionate people coming from surfing, skateboarding and filmmaking.
The quality and the rising number of cinematographic productions inspired by those two cultures, as well as their lack of visibility in theaters, rose our desire to create such an event.
Our goal is to reveal and promote the creativity generated by these activities, by showcasing them under a different angle, and more over is to elaborate on the cultural and social potential these productions have to offer.

prix du meilleur documentaire skateboard
prix du meilleur documentaire surf
prix du meilleur court métrage skateboard
prix du meilleur court métrage surf


best surfing film
best skateboarding film
best surfing short film
best skateboarding short film

Le film doit être en lien avec l'univers du skateboard et/ou du surf. Le caractère cinématographique des films proposés prévaut, au même titre que le caractère indépendant des productions.
Il n’y a pas de restriction de durées, de genres ou de formats.
Les nouveautés sont privilégiées mais des productions moins récentes peuvent être sélectionnées en fonction de leur intérêt et de leurs thématiques.
Les longs métrages ne doivent pas être en libre accès sur internet.


The film must be related to the world of skateboarding and/or surfing. The cinematographic nature of the submited films prevails, as well as the independent aspect of the productions.
There is no restriction on duration, genres or formats.
New releases are prefered, but older productions can be selected based on their interest and themes.
Long feature and documentary films available for free on the internet will not be considered.

Overall Rating
  • Enrique Medina

    Honoured to have been part of this festival. We couldn't attend but followed through social media and it all looked so cool and well organized. Communication was clear and we definitely hope we have a chance to me selected in the future.

    July 2024
  • Konstantina Levi

    super cute and well organized festival. the communication beforehand was really nice and well taken care of. it was a little sad as an international participant who came to the festival from abroad that everything was only in french - from subtitles to interviews, announcements, interviews etc. so it was hard / impossible to have the whole experience. other than that we were very happy to have been selected and liked the other movies a lot as well. thanks for having us.

    October 2022