1. Rolling submissions between now and September 30th, 2021
2. Films must be made in 2016 or sooner that has NOT been previously showcased in PRINDIE competition.
3. Your fee does NOT GUARANTEE that we watch your film in full. Every film will be reviewed, but the length watched is at the discretion of the screener.
4. Films accepted to the PRINDIE Curated Collection will be displayed permanently on the Curated Collection website via prindiefest.com and the eventive.org platform at the sole discretion of PRINDIE
5. Submitters must be authorized to submit their films to PRINDIE: Princeton Independent Film Festival for consideration and must have read, understood, and agreed to all entry requirements:
-Submitter must be the sole person responsible to make the decision to enter this media material and guarantee that such exhibition will not violate or infringe upon any rights whatsoever (including copyright, trademark, musical or contract right) of any person or entity. They must also own the underlying rights to any adapted work, or the work must be in the public domain.
-When filling out the entry form and entering this media in the PRINDIE: Princeton Independent Film Festival, filmmaker hereby indemnifies, releases, and hold harmless PRINDIE: Princeton Independent Film Festival, its boards, employees, interns, volunteers, sponsors, co-sponsors, individual and institutional supporters from any liability related to the use of the entry.
-Submitter understands that by submitting their entry, they indemnify, release and hold harmless PRINDIE: Princeton Independent Film Festival of any responsibility and liability, for any or all damages or losses that may occur to their entry.
-Submitter is responsible and gives express permission to PRINDIE: Princeton Independent Film Festival to exhibit their entries permanently on the PRINDIE Curated Collection in addition to events which include but are not limited to preview exhibitions, theatrical screenings, and electronic on-line transmissions of the entry for judging purposes.
-PRINDIE: Princeton Independent Film Festival is not required to pay screening fees to any film accepted into the Curated Collection
-Films accepted into the Curated Collection must be able to provide an embeddable link of the film
-All rights and permissions for any materials contained within the entry have been granted and submitter holds harmless PRINDIE: Princeton Independent Film Festival from any or all disputes or claims that may arise from these rights and permissions granted.
-Submitter gives permission to allow PRINDIE: Princeton Independent Film Festival to edit, revise, and expand any text or materials provided in their entry.
6. Submitter understands that the submission fee is non-refundable under any circumstance.