Nou Akoma Nou Sinèrji Haitian Dominican Transnational Film Festival and Symposium aims to showcase art and films from emerging and accomplished industry professionals of the Haitian Dominican African Diaspora to authentically reflect our community’s diverse experiences and backgrounds. Its programming in 2025, promotes cultural diversity through various art genres, including dramatic, documentary, experimental, short films, podcasts, and panel discussions.
Founded by Dominicans Love Haitians Movement, Nou Akoma Nou Sinèrji Transnational Film Festival is a four-day festival celebrating a transnational experience, one that extends beyond the borders of these two nations and encompasses the experiences of the Haitian and Dominican Diaspora globally.
By telling our stories, we humanize Black and Indigenous people. By telling our stories, we take a moment to bring the veil and walls down that would lock us away from our emotions and feelings, humanizing one another.
Thus, "no person is an island,” we are not isolated people; we are directly impacted by what occurs in one location thousands of miles away across the globe. Once we shift our gaze, we recognize the similarities of the crisis impacting not just these two nations but many nations across the globe dealing with statelessness, migration, ecological disaster, racialization, poverty, xenophobia, neoliberalism, nationalism, white supremacy and anti-blackness, border walls, and encampments.
Nou Akoma Nou Sinèrji Haitian Dominican Transnational Film Festival is created to counteract these divisive ideologies and messages created by propaganda, manipulation, and hate groups.
Dominicans Love Haitians Movement is an art-based non-profit organization that uses various art modalities to reflect and reconcile with over 500 years of Eurocentrism. Our goal is to restore ALL PEOPLE's rights to live in an inclusive environment free from harmful negative narratives, perceptions, and propaganda that negates our commonalities and humanity. We use art as a cultural tool to learn tolerance and unlearn racism. Practice decolonization leads to a pathway for community healing and enables us to envision and create a new future.
Create Dangerously Awarded $500 to a Haitian Dominican co-production team.