This is the third New York Sci-FI and Horror Film festival with many of our
programmers having worked at other sci-fi festivals around the
the country including the famous Philip K Dick Festival, Boston Sci-Fi, and Outer Places.
We are looking for solid science fiction, and horror films that embody good storytelling excellent effects, and entertaining narratives.
Bradbury to original pieces. From a serious exploration of dystopian worlds to screwball sci-fi comedies to supernatural, eerie, and horror films We are big fans of horror sci-f in the tradition of Predator or Terminator, Eli Roth, classic Gallo horror, vampires, etc

Certificates and support via interviews and contacts with other filmmakers and producers

I, the undersigned, have read and understood and each provision listed below, and I accept and agree with each of the following provisions:

1. I have read, understood and complied with all eligibility requirements of the categories for which I would like this film to be considered.
2. To the best of my knowledge, all of the statements in this document are true.
3. This film is not subject to litigation nor is threatened by any litigation.
4. I am duly authorized to submit this film to the Festival and its Competition and understand that if accepted, the Festival holds the right to screen my film for Festival screening and non-commercial promotional purposes and to extract clips from this film for promotional purposes.
5. I understand that the Philip K. Dick Film Festival ("Festival") is not responsible for any type of damage to or loss of the print during screenings, at any other time during the course of the Festival, while the film is in the Festival’s possession or while en route to or from the Festival, and I release from any and all liabilities regarding damage to or loss of the print while en route to/from the Festival or while it is in their possession.
6. Should this film win an award at the Philip K. Dick Film Festival , I am authorized and/or empowered by all parties legally representing this film to name the individual(s) listed on the Award Designation List (to be received upon notice of selection to Festival) to receive any and all award(s). If a film is eligible for an award and no one was designated to accept the award, the award will be deemed forfeit and another award winner will be chosen.
7. In the event the designated party is unable to attend the awards ceremony, I understand that the director and/or producer of the film as listed in the credits of the film shall accept any and all awards in their stead.
8. If selected as a participant in the Festival, television ready media clips of the film must be provided by the date provided on notice of selection.
9. I am aware Festival may provide critics an opportunity to review films prior to the Festival
10. I understand that shipping charges of the screening copy of my film to the Festival are my responsibility.

We confirm we have obtained all necessary rights and permissions to present the submitted film(s) at the Philip.K. Dick International Film Festival. Furthermore, I /we have read and agree to the regulations of the Festival. In this respect the applicants will indemnify the festival organizers against any actions, claims, costs or demands from whatever source and of whatever nature regarding their film(s).
Films submitted to the festival will be promoted on our website, in printed materials and in our press and marketing activity. You give us the right to use the name of the film, the images submitted and any logos for the uses listed.The films accepted will only be used specifically for the New York Science Fiction Film Festival for the year submitted and not for any other events or exhibitions.
Once a film is submitted and accepted to the festival you guarantee to not withdraw it from the festival under any circumstances. You also guarantee to make sure we actually receive screening materials at least one week before the festival.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing your film.

We require either a DVD NTSC region 0 or MPEG4 Quicktime or Screener of the project for selection - NTSC Region O DVD is preferred. DO NOT SEND PRESS PACKS, PHOTOS, TESTIMONIALS OR ANYTHING ELSE WITH YOUR SUBMISSION - it is a waste of paper and post. If we accept your film we will ask for the other things we need. Better still, make sure you upload a full press kit and trailer to your FilmFreeway listing.

So, process is this - our selection team view the film, if we like's in!

All features we screen will be preceded by a short film selected by us - no exceptions. We believe strongly in a short & feature program for our audience.

Films submitted to the festival will be promoted on our website, in printed materials and in our press and marketing activity. You give us the right to use the name of the film, the images submitted and any logos for the uses listed.Films selected will only be used at the Science Fiction Film Festival for the year submitted and not for other years or exhibitions.

Once a film is submitted and accepted to the festival you guarantee to not withdraw it from the festival under any circumstances. You also guarantee to make sure we actually receive screening materials at least one week before the festival.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing your film.

Overall Rating
  • Fun up-and-coming Sci-Fi festival. Great communication throughout. I recommend it to other indie filmmakers, especially if you're local to NYC.

    October 2024
  • jay yeomans

    Many thanks to showing Elsewhere Machine in NYC, team was communicative and helpful..

    September 2024
  • Thanks for having my short, Sileo in your programme, it's a pity I couldn't be there myself, seems like a great festival!

    September 2024
  • Russ Meyer

    Thank you for selecting the graphic novel A LITTLE FAVOR to be included in the festival!

    September 2024
  • Chuck Gordon

    I am honored that my sci-fi/action adventure script, ALPHA CHASE, won as Best Feature Sci-Fi Screenplay! Thank you to the entire New York Science Fiction and Horror Film Festival team!

    September 2024