The 5th-annual Siouxland Inspirational & Historical Short Film Festival will expand to 2 days and be screened at two locations in Sioux City, Iowa on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 16-17, 2024. On Saturday, a variety of short flicks will be shown at the Sioux City Art Center and on Sunday a selection of historical films will be shown at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center.

The goal of the Siouxland Inspirational Film Festival is to showcase short films that are inspiring, heartwarming, thought-provoking, family-friendly and entertaining. We added a Historical Category of short films to the film fest, and are looking for interesting films on a historic topic.

This Film Festival is produced through the Siouxland filmmakers Club, and offers a venue to show our films and those of other talented filmmakers in the region, the U.S. and beyond.

Our film festival seeks to be an alternative to the Hollywood sex, violence and immorality permeating much of the movie industry. We are looking for positive films with highly-moral characters, who are involved in life-affirming plots and clean-language dialogues.

Attendees will be able to vote on their favorite films for a People’s Choice Award. Top vote-getters will receive notification; no cash prizes with our low-budget operation. Winners still get bragging rights! Please notice the low entry fees. Films between 2 to 20 minutes in length are preferred.

Filmmakers will receive invitations to attend the festival and admission is free. A reception will occur following the performance.

Revenues from this nonprofit Festival will be used to support Festival expenses and the Siouxland Filmmakers Club. All decisions by the video-screening committee and the People's Choice votes will be final.

Filmmakers info:

A screening committee will judge submitted short films for acceptance into the festival and will notify filmmakers of their selection. Films between 2 and 20 minutes in length are preferred.

Films can be dramas, comedies, animations, documentaries, Faith-based, or student categories, as long as they leave the audience enlighted, uplifted and entertained.

English-spoken, clean-language short films produced by fledgling filmmakers and Midwest regional filmmakers will be given preference.

The Filmmaker grants the Siouxland Inspirational Film Festival the rights to: (a) Exhibit the film in the Siouxland Inspirational Film Festival. (b) Reproduce the film for inclusion as part of a compilation. (c) Exhibit a portion of the production for the trailer for the purposes of promoting the festival. (d) The right to show the film at other venues in which the annual Siouxland Inspirational Film Festival is repeated, like at a community center or a small town festival. (e) In case of uncooperative weather or technical issues, a Festival makeup date may be required.