Docudays UA IHRFF takes place in Kyiv and is the largest documentary film event in Ukraine. The festival is a member of the International Human Rights Film Network. The Docudays UA program consists of three competitive (including national) and non-competitive sections. After the festival, selected films are traditionally screened in the regions of Ukraine within the Docudays UA Travelling Festival from October to November (inclusive).
● RIGHTS NOW Award. ₴35 000 (~$900)
● DOCU/WORLD Competition Award. ₴35 000 (~$900)
● DOCU/UKRAINE Competition Award. ₴35 000 (~$900)
● DOCU/SHORT Competition Award. ₴35 000 (~$900)
● Andriy Matrosov Award, founded by Docudays UA organizers in the memory of Andriy Matrosov, the Festival’s producer, who died in a car accident on February 16, 2010. ₴35 000 (~$900)
● Student Jury Award. ₴35 000 (~$900)
Additionally, in each of these nominations, the Jury can give special mentions to up to two films.
Based on an audience survey, the Audience Award winner will be determined. This film will also receive ₴35 000 (~$900).
Organizations and private persons can give their own special awards upon decision of the Executive Management and the Executive Director of NGO Docudays.
In case of any questions, please contact
Festival regulations are available at
Due to russia's full-scale invasion, cruelly launched on February 24, 2022 against the peaceful nation of Ukraine, we do not accept for consideration the films produced by the aggressor country and its nationals, as well as by countries directly supporting russia's barbaric actions: russia, Belarus, Iran.
Countries from the following list can submit films for free: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burma (Myanmar), Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde Islands, Central African Rep., Chad, Comoros, Congo, Congo Dem. Rep. of, Cook Islands, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Fiji Islands, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea North, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Rwanda, São Tomé & Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sudan South, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
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Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival is held in Kyiv. In 2025, the 22nd edition of the festival will be held on 6 – 13 June.
On completion, Docudays UA traditionally presents the best movies in the regions of Ukraine within the Docudays UA Travelling Festival from October to December (inclusive).
To facilitate the respect for and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, to establish an understanding of human dignity as the highest value, to raise the level of civil activity in Ukraine, to promote the development of documentary filmmaking.
We are creating a society of free people.
We create opportunities for everyone in Ukraine to watch talented and relevant documentaries about human rights. We shape an active civic position and respect for human dignity. We support the Ukrainian film industry.
The festival is non-political and non-profit.
- Non-Governmental Organization “Docudays”.
- Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union.
- Charity Organization “Charity and Health Fund”.
- Centre for Contemporary Information Technology and Visual Arts.
The Festival programme, guest lists, juries, topics of the seminars and masterclasses, etc., are formed by the Festival team, led by the Executive Director of NGO Docudays.
- Non-fiction films of any genre or running time created no earlier than 2023.
- Only films not screened earlier in competition programs of other Ukrainian festivals, on Ukrainian TV, Ukrainian cinema and internet can participate in international competition programs.
- The premiere requirement of Docudays UA is the Ukrainian premiere. Exceptions can be made for non-competition programmes.
- There is no restriction on genre, running time or year of production for non-fiction films participating in the non-competition programmes. The topics for the non-competition programmes are defined annually by the Festival team. The films for the non-competition programmes are selected by the Selection Council based on the defined topics.
- A film is allowed to be submitted to the Selection Committee only one single time. If a film was not accepted for the competition, the application next year will not be considered.
- Films that were made to order, or represent report on activities of some organizations, or realization of certain projects, spread pronounced propaganda, lobby political or commercial interests, instructional and training films are debarred from participation.
- All hard copies and online-links to film copies sent to the Festival will be kept in the Festival's archives.
- The Festival has the right to use short fragments of selected films, not longer than 3 min., for Festival-advertising purposes.
- The festival has the right to upload all the films included in its film program to its online library. The resource is administrated by Docudays UA, starts functioning two weeks before the Festival, functions during the Festival and three monthes after the Festival. The purpose of the online library is to provide online access to the festival film program solely to the accredited participants and guests during the festival week. The term of a film’s storage in the online library is automatically extended to one year if the film’s rights holders do not express objections to it. Accordingly, the persons accredited by the festival get year-long access to viewing festival materials online (starting with the opening day of the Festival). The access is individual and cannot be transferred to third parties. None of the materials in the online library can be copied, published elsewhere, downloaded, posted, transferred, demonstrated, accessed by or distributed to any third parties.
- Application submission means you comply with the Festival Regulations and acknowledge the Festival right to use submitted materials for non-commercial purposes.
The program features creative documentaries in which ethical and legal problems are revealed through expressive artistic means. The competition program consists of three sections.
DOCU/WORLD is the international competition of feature- and medium-length documentaries which are longer than 40 minutes.
DOCU/SHORT is the international competition of short documentaries which are up to 40 minutes long.
DOCU/UKRAINE is a national competition. It includes documentaries of varying lengths, created in Ukraine or in co-production with Ukraine. Films created by Ukrainian filmmakers and foreign production companies are also welcome to apply.
The Festival also awards a special prize to the winner among the films nominated for the RIGHTS NOW! award.
RIGHTS NOW! is a prize awarded to creative documentaries that explore and analyze the contemporary world and make a significant contribution to the discussion about human dignity, freedom and equality. Ten films from all Festival film programs can be nominated for it
Every year, the Festival chooses the main topic whose different aspects are presented in the non-competitive programs. In addition, the Festival offers traditional programs: DOCU/BEST (international award-winning films), DOCU/ART (films that are focusing on art, artists and reflecting cinema as the medium), DOCU/YOUTH (the program for children and teenagers), and retrospectives of famous directors.
The films that participate in the Festival’s competition programs are selected by the Selection Council. The Selection Council members include professionals in the documentary industry and human rights advocacy. The order of the screenings is determined by the Festival’s Program Department.
Applications are received in several stages:
• The eraly deadline is on September 30.
• The regular deadline is on November 30.
• The final deadline is December 22.
The consideration of applications for the Festival’s competition programs is performed for a fee. The payment must be completed online during the application process through the FilmFreeway service. The application fee is non-refundable. As they fill in the application, the applicants can select several nominations/competitions which they want to apply for.
You can only apply via the FilmFreeway service. Your application will be considered by the Selection Council only after it is completed and paid for online.
In the application form, you can upload the film directly with the application or provide a closed link in Vimeo/YouTube. Links to downloads in file-sharing services (WeTransfer, MegaUpload, etc.) will not be considered by the commission. Please make sure that your link works until the end of June 2025.
When you submit an application, you confirm that you agree with the Festival Regulations and give the Festival the right to use the materials you provided for non-commercial purposes.
All participants will receive an email about the results of the selection no later than April 15, 2025.
This is a festival that has a very big educational value in my life. It's a drug, in the sense that it expands my world every time. It's a way to see a lot of very high-quality documentaries and to think about human rights. This year, my short film was selected for the Ukrainian programme, and it was a celebration. Until a person from the festival, Polina Yakovleva, started talking to me. It was toxic, disrespectful, and then she didn't invite me to the opening, didn't greet me at the festival. And this is not a personal story, Polina Yakovleva was also dismissive of other Ukrainian guests, which discredits the festival. She responded to my invitation to a dialogue, to sort things out and agree on everything, with accusations and a refusal to communicate further. The problem with this year's festival is that there is nowhere to give feedback. So, if I am not heard and she is not fired, I recommend that you immediately ask to communicate with someone else if your film is in the programme and Polina communicates with you. Because it can poison the whole experience of a really cool festival!
Це фестиваль, який має у моєму житті дуже велике освітнє значення. Це наркотик, в тому сенсі, що розширяє мій світ щоразу. Це спосіб побачити багато дуже якісної документалістики, і задуматися про права людини. Цього року в українську програму обрали мою короткометражку, і це було свято. До тих пір, поки зі мною не стала спілкуватись людина від фестивалю - Поліна Яковлева. Це було токсично, зневажливо, а потім вона не запросила мене на відкриття, не віталась на фестивалі. І це не особиста історія, пані Поліна зневажливо ставилась і до інших українських гостей, що дискредитує фестиваль. На моє запрошення до діалогу, розібратись і про все домовитись, вона відповіла звинуваченнями і відмовою далі спілкуватись. Проблема цьогорічного фестиваля також у тому, що нема куди давати зворотній зв"язок. Тож, якщо мене не почують, і її не звільнять, я рекомендую вам одразу просити комунікувати з кимось іншим, якщо ваш фільм буде у програмі й пані Поліна комунікуватиме з вами. Бо це може отруїти вам все враження від дійсно дуже крутого фестиваля!
June 2024 -
Arapuá Filmes
This festival is AMAZING. Even during COVID-19, they did one of the most amazing festivals that I've seen. Our doc "Stunned, I Remain Alert" was in competition for the short film awards and we loved the experience. A great team, great communication, amazing talks, great prizes, and a great sense of humor too!!!. Really a festival where I want all my docs to be screened at.
June 2020 -
Pien van Grinsven
Amazing festival! I attended the festival as a (biassed) guest, however, from what I observed, the team of volunteers were really dedicated to make of each screening a successful event. The team running the festival was super friendly with special attention to good hospitality and networking. Good selection of films and great ambiance. I truly recommend this festival, one of the best I have attended.
April 2019