2025 West Chester Film Festival Rules and Terms:
1. A screening committee determines which films shall be exhibited; submissions are not guaranteed to be shown. All decisions of the committee are final. Except for the audience award, separate juries select festival winners.
2. The Award Categories are: Best Animation, Best Comedy, Best Documentary, Best Drama, Best Art/Experimental Film, Best Student Film, H. Paul Fitzpatrick Audience Choice Award, Pennsylvania Filmmaker, and Best Film by a Woman Filmmaker. Each award is an original glass statuette, except for the Best Film by a Woman Filmmaker which will be a prize donated by the Regional Center for Woman in the Arts. An awards ceremony will be held at the end of the festival weekend. Statuettes are only presented to filmmakers who are in attendance and will not be shipped.
3. Total running time must be 30 minutes or less, including credits. Do not include a header or countdown on any submissions.
4. Foreign language films must have English subtitles or contain minimal dialogue not necessary for understanding the film.
5. Please select only one category in which to submit your work. An entry's category may be changed at the discretion of the West Chester Film Festival.
6. Screening fees are not available.
7. Entry fees are non-refundable.
8. There is no limitation on when or where the short was produced.
9. Films previously submitted to the Festival will not be accepted.
10. All submissions, payments and tracking will be done through the FilmFreeway system.
11. We will not accept films with graphic violence, excessive foul language, or graphically explicit sexual encounters.
12. Do not submit works in progress. Incomplete films submitted with a script and a promise to be completed by the festival date will not be considered under any circumstances.
13. Commercial, industrial, instructional, or promotional films will not be accepted.
14. Student entries must include a copy of the Filmmaker's student ID card. A scan of the ID can be emailed to films@westchesterfilmfestival.com, or a photocopy snail-mailed to our address. ALWAYS include the name of your film and entry number on all correspondence.
15. To qualify for a Pennsylvania Filmmaker Award, the film entered must have been directed by a Pennsylvania resident. Proof of residency must be submitted with the film (copy of driver’s license). A scan of the license can be emailed to films@westchesterfilmfestival.com, or a photocopy snail-mailed to our address. ALWAYS include the name of your film and entry number on all correspondence.
16. Travel fees, hotel fees, and food vouchers are not available from the festival. The filmmaker liaison will be in contact regarding possible discounts for local establishments.
17. The number, dates, times, and locations of screenings of accepted films are at the discretion of the West Chester Film Festival.
18. Additional opportunities for screening accepted films may be available outside the scheduled Festival dates and venues without notification.
19. Applicants who do not follow the guidelines will not be accepted.
20. Applicants certify that all work provided is your own material, and that no part of the final film has been created, provided, or reviewed by ChatGPT or any other “AI” algorithm or service.