When you enter the Women in Film & Media Screenplay Contest, you put your script in the running for $1000 in cash prizes, a table read with professional actors, and feedback from a script consultant.

We pride ourselves on the personal attention provided to our winners! Get a boost to your screenwriting career, and have a lot of fun while you're at it -- surrounded by caring, like-minded people!

This year we are doing short scripts, which means the top THREE get table reads, and the audience at the table read will vote for the winner.

1st Place Winner receives:
• $1000 Cash Prize
• A table reading with Professional Actors
• Script consulting and mentoring sessions with local industry professional
• Announcements to Colorado film industry

2nd and 3rd Place Winners receive:
• Table read with professional actors
• Announcements to Colorado film industry

IMPORTANT! WHEN SUBMITTING, DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR NAME ON THE TITLE PAGE! This is a small community and we want to make this as objective as possible. In the past we have done workarounds for those who forgot, but this year YOUR ENTRY WILL SIMPLY BE DISQUALIFIED! NO EXCEPTIONS!

You don't have to be a member of WIFMCO to enter, but members may submit for free with a code (email president@wifmco.org). If you are not a WIFMCO member, you must be a Colorado resident, or a member of a WIFT-US chapter.

Your script must meet the Bechdel test (if you don't know what that is, look it up and learn) unless you have only 1 named character, in which case the lead must be female-identifying.

To enter, send us an original short script in any genre.
Screenplays should be between 8 and 15 pages.
You must own the sole rights to the story.
Your script must be something that would achieve an MPAA rating of PG-13 or less, be supportive of women and in proper screenplay format.


Overall Rating
  • Norine Forde-Straub

    They are very professional and promoting women in the field of media, film and movies is a priority.

    May 2019