WAWA, Films made by kids to save the planet, it's a little film festival within its big brother Arica Nativa Film Fest (www.aricanativa.cl) experience. Contest aimed to younger generations of filmmakers who seek to save the planet from devastation, using audiovisual and communication tools.

All types of films, regardless of genre or format, up to 5 minutes long (credits included), made by children between 7 and 13 years old and aimed at making new generations fall in love with the planet's natural and cultural treasures.

All types of films, regardless of genre or format, up to 5 minutes long (credits included), made by children between the ages of 14 and 17 and aimed at making new generations fall in love with the planet's natural and cultural treasure.

The winning films in each category will receive the Arica Nativa Wawa Award, consisting of: the Arica NativaTropero sculpture; and $500,000 (five hundred thousand) Chilean pesos in audiovisual equipment for the educational institution, group or individual filmmaker.

The delivery of the prizes will be agreed directly with the winning institution or persons.

Upon receiving this award, the representatives of the winning films undertake to add the laurels of the Arica Nativa Festival to the publicity graphics and in all instances of dissemination of the films.

Each category will also receive an honorable mention WAWA Spirit to the most creative film, which, according to the conditions mentioned above for the winning films, will also receive a Tropero sculpture.

Once the decision of the 2023 competition has been made public on the website www.aricanativa.cl, and the persons responsible for the winning films have been informed, they will have 15 calendar days to provide the information requested by the organization to make the prizes effective. Failure to respond within this period will be understood as a waiver of the assigned prize, leaving the Festival free to declare the prize void and/or define another winning film, as determined by the jury.

Arica Nativa Wawa promotes audiovisual production for children and youth, therefore films will be accepted only with the collaboration of one adult, and only as a guide or support in the production.

The submission of the entry form for a film to the 2023 competition implies a declaration of knowledge and total and unconditional acceptance of these competition rules.

Fundación Altiplano assumes that the person who sends the entry form owns the rights to the work, and therefore will be recognized as the sole interlocutor with whom to deal with the pertinent aspects of the work's participation in the Festival.

Works that have participated in previous versions of Arica Nativa Wawa, either in the pre-selection stage, in the competitive section or in the parallel screenings, will not be accepted.

Works that advocate racism, sexism, xenophobia, intolerance, discrimination, excessive consumption of resources, violence and/or that intentionally offend human rights will not be accepted. This decision shall be determined by the Programming Committee and shall not be subject to appeal.

The registration and reception of films for this year's competition opens for both categories on Tuesday, March 20 th and closes on Friday, August 18th, 2023 at 23:59 hrs, (Chilean time)

Applicants may withdraw their film from the competition, as long as they send a formal letter, issued by the owner or holder of the exhibition rights, addressed to Fundación Altiplano, before the closing date for applications.

The Festival organization reserves the right to make the decisions it deems appropriate regarding cases that exceptionally exceed the required length, only if it meets the other selection criteria or fits the spirit of the category.

In the event that the film competition is prevented from taking place as an on-site activity of the Festival, it will be transferred to a web platform to be defined, where it will remain available to the public for the duration of the Festival. This platform is for viewing only and, in accordance with current Chilean legislation on intellectual property rights, does not allow downloads.

All films selected in the Official Competition Arica Nativa Wawa 2023 will be integrated into the Festival's digital archive and made available to the public through the Festival's exhibition platform. We clarify that this platform only allows online viewing of the material, not downloading, in accordance with current Chilean legislation on intellectual property protection.

The Arica Nativa Festival does not pay screening rights for the films selected in the official competition.

The winning films may be screened up to two times in the Festival's annual screenings, prior notice to the respective legal representatives. The screenings that may take place as a result of the above will be non-profit.

Overall Rating
  • Nadège Herrygers

    Thank you for highlighting children's films and defending ecological values.

    November 2023
  • We are so excited that our film won an Honourable Mention at the festival in the WAWA section. We followed the festival updates on social media and it looked like a fun and exciting festival with music, dance and films. Hope to visit someday

    November 2021
  • Great experience! Thank WAWA for this participation!

    November 2019
  • DIYA M

    Very communicative people and we are very sorry to hear about the problems faced by Festival Organisation due to their internal strike in their region. With best wishes.

    November 2019