In its second year at Hollywood Post 43, the Veteran-Made Film Competition, formerly the Member-Made Media Competition, will give Veterans and Legion Family an opportunity to work together in teams and create compelling films that will be screened in the Hollywood Legion Theater.

Five teams will have the opportunity to share in the legacy of films and TV series which were shot at Hollywood Post 43 such as Star Trek, Law & Order, and Key & Peele to name a few.

The five produced films will be premiered at the Hollywood Legion Theater which has recently hosted Premiers such as Halo, Academy-nominated films like as Jo-Jo Rabbit, and festivals such as the TCM Classic Film Festival and Beyond Fest.

Additionally, the Best Overall winner will be featured on the Veteran Entertainment Television ( VET Tv) and receive a $500 award.

The goal of this competition is to provide Veterans, and the Legion Family with the opportunity to work with others to create a portfolio-worthy piece that can be used to seek employment.

Teams consisting of a Producer, Writer, and Director will be asked to submit a 10-minute short film script and treatment for a short they would like to make.

The proposed projects will be judged by a panel of industry professionals.

Five projects will be chosen to move forward in the competition. These teams will be announced on December 15, 2022.

The five teams moving forward will be granted one 10-hour shoot day in the Hollywood Post 43 clubhouse. The shoots must be scheduled between January 1, 2023 and February 28, 2023. The entire short does not need to be shot at the Post 43 Clubhouse. Teams may use other locations for their project as well.

Completed films and deliverables must be turned in by March 12, 2023. A panel of industry professionals will judge the films and determine awards.

The completed films will be screened in the Hollywood Legion Theater on April 1, 2023 followed by an awards ceremony.


Open for submissions October 1, 2022

All scripts and treatments turned in by November 30, 2022

Announcement of five teams moving on December 15, 2022

On-Location shooting begins January 2, 2023

The deadline for completed films to be submitted is March 12, 2023

Screening and Awards Ceremony April 1, 2023

Teams must consist of either military veterans or members of The American Legion family.

Awardees will receive the "Allstar Award" at the screening and awards ceremony on April 1, 2023.

Best Overall
Additionally, the Best Overall winner will be featured on the VET Tv, , App and receive a $500 award.

Best Direction

Best Acting

Best Writing

Best Cinematography

Best Editing

Honorable Mention
This award is reserved for any team member's work that stands out as exceptional. This gives the opportunity for categories to be recognized.

Miliza Milo Spirit of 43 Award
This award goes to the individual who best understands the mission of the VMFC.

Laurels will be awarded to scripts that stand out but not selected to move forward in the competition.

Team leaders must consist of military veterans or members of The American Legion family. Civilian crew and cast may be brought on, but to be considered for an award, they must qualify as a veteran or Legion family member on April 1, 2023.

Theme "Let's Laugh Together"
The screening and awards ceremony will be on April 1, 2023. In an effort to open up to a wider audience and create a light-hearted atmosphere, the theme for this year's competition will be comedy, “Let’s Laugh Together!”

Whether it's slow and subtle, or gut-punching laughter, we want to take a look into the lighter side of being a veteran.

Script Submission
Teams must submit
1. Less than 10-minute script
2. film treatment and/or detailed shotlist

Please attach the treatment and/or shotlist as additional documents and be sure to include any other production files that support your project.

Demonstrate to the judges that you've not only written a script but put some thought and follow-through into the production of the project.

Submission deadline: November 30, 2022.

Judges will review the submissions and choose five teams to move forward in the competition. Those five teams will be announced on December 15, 2022, and will have an opportunity to schedule a shoot day at the Post 43 Clubhouse.

Judges are looking at both the script and the treatment and/or detailed shotlist to make their decision.

The teams moving forward will have the opportunity to schedule one 10-hour shoot day on location at the Hollywood Post 43 clubhouse between January 2, 2023, and February 28, 2023. The entire project does not need to be shot at the clubhouse. Teams are welcome to shoot at other locations.

Final deliverables are due by March 12, 2023, which include: video file, movie poster, crew list, title, log-line, and a crew photo.

Between March 13, 2023, and March 24, 2023 judges will review the submission and determine winners in all categories.

Best Overall
Best Director
Best Writing
Best Acting
Best Cinematography
Best Editing/Visual effects
Honorable Mention
Militza Milo Spirit of 43 Award ( The team that best understands the mission. )

The screening and awards ceremony will take place Saturday, April 1, 2023 at the famous Hollywood Legion Theater