Are you a horror fan? Do you love horror? The macabre? The gruesome? The scary?
Have you got a flair for screenwriting? Have you ever imagined a screenplay you have written coming to life and appearing on the silver screen? It's alive!

The Thomas M. Malafarina Horror Screenplay Contest is looking for the very best screenplays based on the short stories of the master of contemporary horror, Thomas M. Malafarina.

In the coming year, we will be looking for the best screenplay based upon a short story of the screenwriter’s choice of stories of horror author Thomas M. Malafarina. This story will be prepped and readied for filming. Once complete, the film will be reviewed and will be submitted to film festivals.

The Challenge: Finding a single short story of Thomas Malafarina’s short stories which will be rewritten as a screenplay and prepared for film production.

In light of the growing unemployment numbers, recognizing that among these numbers are screenwriters, and in larger numbers, horror fans who are looking for an opportunity to express themselves creatively and receive recognition for the screenplays they may write, we at the Thomas M. Malafarina Horror Screenplay Contest have decided to waive our submission fees to our screenplay contest.

About Thomas M. Malafarina

Thomas M. Malafarina is a contemporary master of horror.

Hailing from the coal country of Berks County, Pennsylvania, Thomas M. Malafarina has published seven horror novels “What Waits Beneath”, “Burner”, “From The Dark”, “Circle Of Blood”, “Dead Kill Book 1: The Ridge of Death,” “Dead Kill Book 2: The Ridge Of Change” and “Dead Kill Book 3: The Ridge Of War”.

He has also published seven collections of horror short stories; “Thirteen Deadly Endings”, “Ghost Shadows”, “Undead Living” and most recently “Malaformed Realities Vol. 1, Vol. 2 and Vol. 3”.

In addition, many of the more than one hundred and fifty short stories Thomas has written have appeared in dozens of short story anthologies and e-magazines. Some have been produced and presented for internet podcasts and radio plays as well.

Thomas is best known for the twists and surprises in his stories as well as his descriptive, often gory passages. And all of these books are available through Hellbender Books, an imprint of Sunbury Press.

Award: The Best screenplay received will be awarded a starting cash award of $500 minimum.

As each page of a screenplay approximates one minute of film, the best screenplay will be produced as a short film or a feature.. (Refer to submission fees. Fees must accompany each submission.) .

Your name will appear twice in the film. In the opening credits, it will appear as "Screenplay by (Your Name)." In the closing credits, it will appear as "Screenplay by (Your Name), Winner of the Thomas M. Malafarina Horror Screenplay Contest.

Once this film is complete from casting to post-production, reviews for this film will be sought The film will be submitted to film festivals as well.

In filming this film, you will have the option of appearing as a Featured Extra. Or, if you are an actor, you will appear in a role.

Once the announcement of the winner is made, a press release will be prepared to be shared with all of our media contacts. Your name will appear prominently in this press release.

The 1st Place Winner also receives a library of all thirteen paperback copies of the author's works, autographed by the author.

This competition will be opened to all screenwriters 18 years of age and older.

All persons from anywhere in the world are eligible. However, the material submitted must be in English.

All material submitted must be based upon a designated short story of the screenwriter’s choice from over 150 short stories of Thomas M. Malafarina's short stories.

As the submitting screenwriter, it is your responsibility to indicate on which short story of Thomas M Malafarina's your screenplay was based, and from what compilation of Thomas M. Malafariina's short stories you have found your story.

The material should be submitted in standard screenplay format, font, spacing, and margin. If you are not familiar with this format, please Google it.

The title page for each screenplay should include. Title, name of writer and the short story on which the screenplay is based and book from which this short story was taken.

Figuring each page represents approximately 1 minute of a film, screenplays should be between 1 and 40 pages for short screenplays (or 90 pages for a feature film).

All material must be submitted electronically as a PDF or it will not be eligible. Do not submit dead-tree screenplays by snail mail or other means.

If looking for more detailed feedback, we highly suggest seeking out a respected script consultant. We cannot give you our opinion of your screenplay. Please do not ask.

You may submit as many completed screenplays as you wish, however, each must be accompanied by a fee. We will not honor any requests for fee waivers, nor any requests for a reduction in fee costs.

All winners will be final and will be notified of winning by announcement date.